Thursday, August 22, 2019

U.S. Defense Secretary Esper Confirms The Death Of The Late al Qaeda Leader Osama bin Laden's Son Hamza bin Laden

CNN: US Defense Secretary Esper appears to confirm death of bin Laden's son

US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper appeared to confirm Wednesday that the late al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's son Hamza bin Laden is dead.
"That's my understanding," Esper told Fox News in an interview when asked if Hamza bin Laden was dead.

Asked if the US had any role in his death, Esper responded: "I don't have the details on that. And if I did, I'm not sure how much I could share with you."

US officials told CNN last month that the US had assessed that Hazma Bin Laden was dead but provided few details.

Earlier this year, the US State Department called bin Laden, who was believed to be in his early 30s, an "emerging" leader in al Qaeda, offering a $1 million reward for information leading to his capture.

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Update: Pentagon chief confirms death of Qaeda's Hamza bin Laden (AFP)

WNU Editor: When it comes to Hamza bin Laden, it is clear that the Defense Secretary has moved on.


Anonymous said...

There's nothing to really brag about from the Pentagon's point of view. They were just mowing the grass when they took him out. The guy didn't have any high-profile operations under his belt. He was simply an inconvenient heir-to-be of a shattered terror group. The chances that he would have actually assumed control of Zawahiri's operations in the Pakistani FATA after the old man dies was essentially nil. They have far more experienced commanders who wouldn't have allowed their fates to be controlled by some rich kid who doesn't have any money.

Anonymous said...

Hamza bin Laden did not have any operations under his belt in part because Iran kept him as a hostage to ensure good behavior by Al Qaeda, who they helped to an extent.

Osama himself had very little combat experience. Also Khalid Sheikh Mohemmed planned 911. Osama was kept in the loop or approved it. You might say that Osama had very little experience. Where Osama had a lot of experience was in back room negotiations.

Anonymous said...

No, Osama had hundreds of millions of dollars. There was a lot of resentment over the fact that his money bought him to the top of the org as well.

Bob Huntley said...


Jb said...

You will regret you have a soul when you die