Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bookies Are Predicting That The U.S. Congress Will Impeach President Trump

Zero Hedge: Trump Impeachment Odds Soar On Heavy Volume

PredictIt odds of President Trump's impeachment by the end of his first term have soared in the last 12 hours in heavy volume.

About 14 hours ago, volume started pouring in, increasing the odds from about 35% to almost 60% in the overnight hours.

Tuesday morning, the odds have traded from 40% to 60% range - consolidating after a massive ramp.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Democrats control the US Congress. I fail to see how they could lose their own impeachment vote.


Anonymous said...

Pelosi mentioned the great work of Nadler, Schiff, Cummings, Maxine Waters.. when you hear these 4 names and don't think of "lack of integrity and IQ", then I don't know.. keep voting Democrat, I guess haha

These fools. Just to distract from Biden's issues. Trump's releasing the phone call. Of course he didn't do what they say.. all these calls are monitored and there are people on the lines and in the room, ffs.

I am so ashamed to have voted for this party twice :(

Mike Feldhake said...

Say 5 Our Fathers an 10 Hail Mary's and for God's sake man, don't do that again!

Unknown said...

It seems that in the west centre left parties are unable to defeat centre right parties politically. They're using judicial processes to attempt to defeat their rivals & overturn democratic decisions made by the silent majorities. I predict big victories for Central right parties in Britain (if Britain regains full independence) & America in 2020.

Anonymous said...

Won't matter. R's control the senate. Impeachment requires a house floor vote. Those D's in Trump states are why there is no vote. Likely will not be because that will put vulnerable seats on the record heading into an election year. House leader and her party are woofing.