Wednesday, September 4, 2019

U.S. - China Trade War Intensifies (Again)

CNBC: Trump was so angry after China’s trade retaliation that he wanted to double tariffs

* President Trump wanted to double tariff rates on Chinese goods last month after Beijing’s latest retaliation in the trade war before settling on a smaller increase, three sources tell CNBC.
* Trump was outraged after he learned Aug. 23 that China had formalized plans to slap duties on $75 billion in U.S. products in response to new tariffs from Washington on Sept. 1.
* Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer then enlisted multiple CEOs to call Trump and warn him about the impact such a move would have on the stock market and the economy.

President Donald Trump wanted to double tariff rates on Chinese goods last month after Beijing’s latest retaliation in a boiling trade war before settling on a smaller increase, three sources told CNBC.

The president was outraged after he learned Aug. 23 that China had formalized plans to slap duties on $75 billion in U.S. products in response to new tariffs from Washington on Sept. 1. His initial reaction, communicated to aides on a White House trade call held that day, was to suggest doubling existing tariffs, according to three people briefed on the matter.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The majority of Americans support President Trump's approach towards China on trade. Even though this poll has a large Democrat sample, 67% still think it is necessary to confront China over its trade policy now? (Page 234 of the latest Harvard/Harris poll).

This person has a different take, but she avoids the above poll result .... Does US electorate support Trump’s trade war? (Kerry Boyd Anderson, Arab News).


Anonymous said...

Majority of Americans don't understand economics.

Anonymous said...

True. However "made in china" is a phrase any American understands. It is a common perception that such goods are pervasive, low quality, and were once made by Americans. This trade war will not end anytime soon, and it has the full backing of the American public.

Anonymous said...

The parrot that comments on here would rather China has a strong grip on the USA which inclined me to think he is somewhat of a traitor. Please don’t get me wrong, that’s just my thoughts. But my question to parrot is, why would you let other nations prosper over your country’s demise...please explain

Anonymous said...

I ecxplain nothing to you. you are a product of a parent who failed

Anonymous said...

Still a loser.

Parrot said...

Trump Says China Will Suffer as Data Shows Trade War Hurting U.S.

Parrot said...

Despite promises, Trump's trade deficits are only growing

Anonymous said...

It's the squid squirting ink.

Anonymous said...

Squirt, squirt, squirt.

Anonymous said...

After Trump Admits to Golfing During Hurricane, CNN Host Calls 'Hypocrisy' by Airing President's Past Obama Criticisms
Trump Keeps Saying He’s Never Heard of a Category 5 Hurricane
Judge Orders Trump to Restore Reporter's White House Badge | Hollywood Reporter
Trump: 'I'll have my revenge' when I leave office

Anonymous said...

To above,
If you want to run a puppet parade you need to work on "voice" management. I'm sure they have night classes in Kamloops that would be of great benefit.

Roger Smith said...

Anon 2:30AM,

I may not understand economics but I know when my wallet's shrinking.

Anonymous said...

Full context

"Trump: 'I'll have my revenge' when I leave office"

"Trump also said something he has said several times before, that the media will financially suffer when he's gone. But he said in it in a different way in his interview with O'Reilly.

"You know, the media doesn't care if they hurt families," he said. But when I leave office, I'll have my revenge. ... Without Trump, what have they got?""

Did the Squid post just the title of the article with malicious intent?

Or did the Squid do so out of shear ignorance?

I believe the Squid just read the title, lede, and nutgraf. Okay, that is a bit much to believe. The Squid only reads the nutgraf on a good day. Reading is hard work after all.

By comparison

Liberals believed in 2000 after George Bush was elected that Rush Limbaugh's radio program would be greatly diminished. They thing that Limbaugh's Program only grew because of Bill Clinton's 1992 election.

The Rush program started in 1988 4 years before the pedophile Clinton ran for office. By 1992 he had 500 stations.

Easy prediction. PMSNBC or CNN will be bankrupt in the next 5 years.

Anonymous said...

The hubris of Mouthbreathers and Liberals

"29-Year-Old Communist Bartender AOC Lectures Navy SEAL on How to Handle Firearms"