Sunday, September 29, 2019

Is Hillary Clinton About To Try Another Run For The U.S. Presidency?

Hillary Clinton, joined by her daughter Chelsea to promote their book 'The Book of Gutsy Women', railed against the president, claiming that she lost the 2016 election to a 'corrupt human tornado'

Daily Mail: Is Hillary about to try AGAIN? Clinton is joined by daughter Chelsea as she slams Trump as an 'illegitimate president' and a 'corrupt human tornado' ahead of a week packed with media appearances, sparking rumors she plans to enter the 2020 race

* Hillary Clinton bashed Donald Trump as an 'illegitimate president'
* She also lamented in an interview that she lost in 2016 to a 'corrupt human tornado'
* The new criticism comes as Trump is found at the center of a new scandal involving his conversation with the Ukrainian President this summer
* Clinton was joined by her daughter Chelsea Clinton to promote their book
* Her packed media week has rumors flying she is considering entering the 2020 presidential race

Hillary Clinton bashed Donald Trump Sunday, calling the president 'a corrupt human tornado' after a week of negative media attention surrounding revelations of a July phone call he had with the Ukrainian president.

While promoting 'The Book of Gutsy Women,' which she wrote with her daughter Chelsea, Clinton – who often laments that she won the popular vote in 2016 – called Trump an 'illegitimate president.'

'He knows that there were a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out how it did,' Clinton, 71, told CBS in a pre-recorded interview that aired Sunday morning.

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WNU Editor: I think she would like to run, but only only if the Democrat Party embraces her. But that is not going to happen. The Democrat Party is now being run by the progressive elements within it, and they have no appetite to see Hillary Clinton coming back.


Anonymous said...

2019 - after DECADES(!) of entitlement and affirmative action programs for women, including laws that mandate tech companies in california to hire women OR ELSE..after all this and her life of entitlement she releases a book with, of course, a sexist title. No one cares if you are a woman. Get over it. Only you care! Just work like we all do. Stop clapping for yourself you moronic people *facepalm*

With women like this as role models, Jesus... our societies are in big trouble

RussInSoCal said...

Third Party run, Hillary. Do it!


Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Note the new hairdo. I have watched the Clintons all my life. When they are not running, her hair looks like help, but when she is, it always starts with a new hairdo. The timing of the "book tour" is also suspicious, I seem to recall her previous campaigns starting with an off the FEC records book tour. Same formula with hopefully the same result.

Roger Smith said...

Unrealistic person. Still caught up in her popular vote numbers vs. DJT's.