Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Poll: Russians Don’t Believe ‘Western Meddling’ Is To Blame for Moscow Protests

Violetta Nadbitova / MT

Moscow Times: Most Russians Don’t Believe ‘Western Meddling’ is to Blame for Moscow Protests, Poll Says

A majority of Russians don’t believe in the authorities’ claim that Western powers are to blame for election protests in Moscow this summer, according to the independent Levada Center polling agency.

Weeks of demonstrations over elections for the city legislature have turned into the biggest sustained protest movement in Russia since 2011-2013. Russia has accused the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Germany’s Deutsche Welle media outlet and Google of meddling in Russia's internal affairs by allegedly promoting the protests and encouraging people to attend them.

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WNU Editor: 26% of Russians surveyed blamed the West for meddling in the Moscow elections?!?!?!? I would like to know who those idiots are, because everyone I know in Russia (family, friends, contacts, etc.) certainly believe otherwise.


Daniel said...

That the West, through its various government and non-government organisations and media, TRIES to meddle every chance it gets is obvious. Whether their meddling has any sort of tangible effect is another question entirely. The protests do seem mostly homegrown. As with any country, our worst enemies are among us, not abroad.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s Phone Calls With Wayne LaPierre Reveal NRA’s Influence

Days after considering the implementation of universal background checks, President Donald Trump has sidelined the issue.

Anonymous said...

didn't cia tried to run (((diversity))) propaganda in estonia?

Anonymous said...

[[[no moron]]]

Carl said...

The US in particular has a long, sordid history of meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, going back to the debt collection wars in Central American just before and after World War I. Do you remember the Allende coup in 1973 that put in place the Pinochet dictatorship in 1973? Or the joint US-UK operation to overthrow the elected president of Iran and replace him with the Shah in 1953? These are only 2 examples out of dozens of such operations since the late 1940's. Given the hatred that the Anglo-American elites have for Putin, why WOULDN'T they be running operations in Russia as well?

Roger Smith said...

Judging by what I've read recently, these operations must be working, Carl. Polling shows younger Russians are increasingly tired of the old order as represented by Putin and friends.
Clever, those meddling yanks.

Anonymous said...

Allende was a communist, a monster nipped in the bud. I knew an expat that lived in Chile during this time. She is lucky to be alive given what communists do.

Mohammad Mosaddegh was not the legitimate PM of Iran.

One, he halted the vote counting and 'deemed' himself elected.

Two, under the current constitution the Shah had the right to fire him, but Mohammad Mosaddegh would not go.

Three, nationalization of a company owned by another country outs that country in dire straights. Venezuela 'nationalized' (i.e stole) the assets of a Mexican cement company in Venezuela. Apparently, people of different cultures and skin tones do not like, when you steal their shit.

All you say is USA, USA, USA. It is as if the USSR did not have a KGB and were choir boys.

Anonymous said...

You would get the feeling about Carl that he believes that the KGB does not have sordid operations and if they did they would be much less, because ... well Carl doesn't tell us.

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