Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Taliban Have Reiterated Their Prime Objectives: The Withdrawal Of Foreign Forces And The Establishment Of A Taliban Run Government

Long War Journal: Taliban’s prime objectives: US withdrawal, ‘establishment of an Islamic government’

The Taliban reiterated that its prime objectives in negotiations with the US is to get Coalition forces to withdrawal from Afghanistan and the “establishment of an Islamic government,” a thinly veiled reference to the return of the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

The Taliban also said that it was “religiously” obligated to continue fighting until the US leaves the country.

The message is nothing new. The Taliban has repeatedly stated that it has a religious obligation to wage jihad to expel foreign forces, and has said the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is the only true representative of the Afghan people.

The Taliban made the most recent claims in a short statement, titled Occupation and Ceasefire!!, published on its official website, Voice of Jihad, on Sept. 21.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have voiced before that this is one of those 50 year conflicts. The decision of the Taliban to maintain their alliance with Al Qaeda guarantees it. As for this statement from the Taliban. It is not only a message to its commanders that talks with the U.S. are dead, but that is now a war that will continue indefinitely.

Update: The Afghan government has just identified a number of key Al Qaeda commanders that were killed in a raid that also resulted in a number of civilians being killed .... Afghan officials identify AQIS members killed in controversial Musa Qala raid (Long War Journal). I am now seeing a shift in the rules of engagement in this war. If U.S. - Afghan forces see high valued targets mixed in a civilian population, the Afghan commander is the one who makes the decision to launch a strike and the one who bears the responsibility of civilians being killed.


Mike Feldhake said...

Stay, bomb and patrol from large strengthened bases.

Anonymous said...

We need a Women's jihad not a women's march.

We need women to castrate each and everyone of these sharia lovers (with a knife or with their TEETH), so that the Hand Maid's Tale does not come true in Afghanistan a 2nd time.

I volunteer Margaret Atwood to lead the Women's Jihad. She knows the way to Afghanistan having been there and she can get ore source material for a a sequel.

Anonymous said...

'Civilians' = Taliban sympathizers.

Caecus said...

Defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan was always a lost cause for the US. The war has been going on since 2001, it has cost the US over 20 000 casualties and over 900 billion $$$, and yet the Taliban are resurgent.

The fatal error the US made was trying to win the "hearts & minds" of what is essentially a completely alien culture which differs radically from Western culture. It was never going to work.

Anonymous said...

The US was never going to win with Pakistan backing the Taliban