Wednesday, October 2, 2019

DuffelBlog: China Hacked Pentagon To Ensure Only Incompetent Officers Get Promoted

DuffelBlog: REVEALED: China hacked Pentagon to ensure only incompetent officers get promoted

WASHINGTON — The United States has charged a senior officer in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army with orchestrating decades of cyber attacks against US agencies intended to destroy the military talent management system from within.

“The Chinese basically built an algorithm to identify toxic leaders and hacked HR to put them on the fast track to becoming generals and admirals,” said an intelligence official familiar with the Chinese efforts. “It could take us years to recover from this.”

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WNU Editor: OK. Its satire. But it has a ring of truth to it.

Hat tip Instapundit.


Anonymous said...

Officer selection boards are good.

Where things can go bad is day to day politicking and sloth. People are always are going to politic; it is just human nature and and every living thing. The bad results are due to the officers as a group, Congress and the Swamp, and the American people.

O6's are very cognizant of Congress and those that are not or attract the ire of Congress do not make it to O7. At best a competent 07 shuts his mouth, when confronted by a Congress Critter like Hank Johnston, who believe you can tip over an island by standing on it.

Things that need to be said or done are not or they are only said or acted-on after it becomes clear years later to even people with the slows.

Guam will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean Hank Johnson

Congress is a reflection of the People and cabals.

Exercises, audits and real world events keep the military honest. They former two keep the the military honest to the extent those process are honest. Those process keep people from putting too much energy into politicking at the expense of core competencies.

Real world events do not necessarily save you or shape you up. People still wonder how the Egyptian King spun Kadesh as a great victory. Lying about reality has continued into the present. See the NAZIs and the Wonder Weapon propaganda. Some reality does not necessarily wake up a political system like the Swamp. Sometimes it has to be crushing.

Unknown said...

By the looks of things it looks like the Chinese have done this to the Metropolitan Police in London. If they haven't organised crime groups have!!

Bob Huntley said...
