Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Will China Be A Bigger Threat To The U.S. Than Russia By 2028

Troops in military vehicles take part in the military parade in Beijing. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

Business Insider/Task & Purpose: The US Army thinks China will be a bigger threat than Russia by 2028 — here's how the service plans to take them on

* The current "era of great power competition" has the US military focusing on Russia and China.
* But the Army sees China becoming a bigger threat within 20 years, and its working on ways to shift its focus to the Indo-Pacific region.

If you've paid even the slightest bit of attention in the last few years, you know that the Pentagon has been zeroing in on the threat that China and Russia pose, and the future battles it anticipates.

The Army has followed suit, pushing to modernize its force to be ready for whatever comes its way.

As part of its modernization, the Army adopted the Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) concept, which serves as the Army's main war-fighting doctrine and lays the groundwork for how the force will fight near-peer threats like Russia and China across land, air, sea, cyber, and space.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Here is a little heads-up to the Pentagon. The Chinese have been seeing the U.S. as the principle threat for a long time .... Survey: China sees US as top threat (The Hill).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

China is most dangerous in the next few years while it undergoes rapid decline. They just can't keep printing money. We all know that employees over there more and more often are paid with IOUS. The housing bubble will be next and unstoppable.. the factories are leaving ..salaries will drop next and unemployment will rise. People will protest followed by clashes and executions for years. By 2028 no one will believe that China was once close to catching up to the US. No sane person does business with China anymore. People are being abducted and taken hostage. Videos of executions of imprisoned Urdus are circulating. China will be massively attacked by radical Islamists on top.
It's over. If you cannot see thay then you were probably surprised by DJT's victory in 2016 too ;))