Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Experimental German Radar 'Tracked Two U.S. F-35 Stealth Jet For 100 Miles'

Lockheed Martin

Daily Mail: Experimental German radar 'tracked two U.S. F-35 stealth jet for 100 MILES' after lying in wait on a pony farm to catch them flying home from airshow

* Radar is designed with sensors and processors capable of tracking F-35 jets
* It works observing electromagnetic emissions in the atmosphere
* Then it will read how signals are bouncing off airborne objects
* German radar maker said the system tracked two US jets for nearly 100 miles

The F-35 stealth fighter is lauded by the U.S Air Force as almost invisible to radar - which is why it has spent $100million on each of the jets.

However, a German radar maker claims to have tracked two of jets from a pony farm for nearly 100 miles using an emerging generation of sensors and processors.

It used a new 'passive radar' system that analyzes how civilian communications - such as radio and TV broadcasts and mobile phone stations - bounce off airborne objects.

This, the firm says, renders the jet's stealth technology, that is designed to absorb ground based radar to stop it reflecting back, redundant.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It takes more than just a radar lock to shoot down a stealth plane .... An F-35 pilot explains why Russia and China's counterstealth can't stop him (Business Insider). More here .... No, Passive Radar Isn't Going To Make Stealth Technology Obsolete Anytime Soon (Warzone/The Drive).


manstien said...

Ww2 radar picks up stealth too. Good luck shooting it down.

fazman said...

Lol, no it doesn't, it picks up a pigeon profile