Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Pentagon Just Tested On What Would Happen If Its Air Ops Center In Qatar Is Attacked

A view of the CAOC at Al Udeid during the exercise, empty for the first time in 13 years. USAF via The Washington Post

Warzone/The Drive: Air Force Just Tested Its Big Backup Plan If Its Air Ops Center In Qatar Gets Attacked

The exercise demonstrated the ability to quickly shift command and control tasks to a base in the United States, if necessary.

The U.S. Air Force shut down its nerve center for air operations all the way from Syria to Afghanistan for a day, and had airmen in South Carolina take over the management of those activities, as part of an extremely important exercise over the weekend. This is the first time in more than a decade that the so-called Combined Air Operations Center, or CAOC, in Qatar was not in control of regional operations. The decision to test this ability to shift responsibility to a command center in the United States came amid increased tensions with Iran following unprecedented suicide drone and cruise missile attacks on Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Air Force's growing concerns, in general, about the vulnerabilities of known bases to enemy strikes in any major conflict.

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WNU Editor: In any major conflict with Iran, the number one target for Iran will definitely be this air ops center in Qatar.

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