Wednesday, October 16, 2019

President Trump: Turkey-Syria-Kurds Conflict Isn’t America’s Fight

Daily Mail: Donald Trump calls Turkish invasion of Syria 'strategically BRILLIANT' for the U.S. as he slams Kurds as 'no angels' and says: 'There's a lot of sand they can play with. It's not our problem'

* Trump launches new defense of his pullout of troops from northern Syria saying: 'The Kurds are much safer right now.'
* Syria's Kurds, former U.S. allies until the pullout, made a hurried pact with Russian-backed dictator Bashar al-Assad for protection
* But they are being shelled by Turkish forces who have crossed the border - with Trump now saying: 'It's not our problem.'
* 'Syria's friendly with the Kurds. The Kurds are very well protected. Plus, they know how to fight. And, by the way, they're no angels,' he said
* Trump said the pullout was 'strategically brilliant' because U.S. forces were safe
* Comments throw emergency mission of Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo to Ankara to plead for a ceasefire with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan
* Erdogan has already scoffed at their mission, dismissed a ceasefire and said: 'When Trump comes here I will be talking to him.'
* Republican senator Lindsey Graham lashed out at Trump almost immediately, saying: president risked 'a disaster worse than Obama's decision to leave Iraq.'

Donald Trump launched a new defense of his pullout of American forces from northern Syria Wednesday, saying the situation is 'strategically brilliant for the U.S.' and dismissing the Kurds as 'no angels.'

Speaking in the Oval Office, he said the invasion of northern Syria by Turkey's military was 'not our problem' and claimed: 'The Kurds are much safer right now.'

Despite sending his vice president Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Ankara to hold urgent talks with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan on a ceasefire, Trump described the fighting in northern Syria as 'not our problem.'

'If Turkey goes into Syria it is between Turkey and Syria. It's not our problem,' he said.

Read more ....

President Trump Says Turkey-Syria-Kurd Conflict Isn’t America’s Fight

Trump: Turkey-Syria-Kurds face-off isn’t America’s fight -- AP
Trump downplays Turkey's assault in Syria, touts sanctions over fighting -- Reuters
Trump dismisses Turkey's invasion of Syria: 'It's not our border' -- NBC
Trump says Turkish offensive in Syria is 'not our problem' -- The Hill


Bob Huntley said...

At least Russia is in there.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Assad is the only game in town for the Kurds. I don’t see why the two can’t work something out as the US presence in Syria was always going to be temporary anyways. I could see them giving up the oil fields in the south for Russian protection from the Turks in the north, Assad may throw them some regional autonomy with the condition that they commit troops to help clean up the jihadists when that time comes. I have a feeling the Kurds will weather this storm just fine.

Anonymous said...

Am no longer to be trusted and CHUDS smirk

Anonymous said...

From last night's debate

Buttigieg: I'd keep troops in Syria if needed

“Donald Trump has the blood of the Kurds on his hand, but so do many of the politicians in our country from both parties who have supported this ongoing regime change war in Syria that started in 2011, along with many in the mainstream media, who have been championing and cheerleading this regime change war,”

- Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)

So Tulsi Gabbard would pull troops out also, but religious liberals believe Trump is bad for doing it.

Whichever decision Trump would have Never Trumpers and religious liberals would have criticized him.

Maybe the protests in 2011 happened because Assad did not give Kerry, Pelosi and others any money like Ukraine or China?

Kerry, Pelosi et al went to Syria in 2007. Maybe it was not so much about the Iraq War as a shakedown junket. Assad balked and they waited until their figurehead Obama got elected. It took them 2 years until they got their nominees though congress and for Obama
to learn the ropes or find out where the bathroom was in the west wing.

Being involved in Syria was the right ting to do. The political and legal spadework was not done. Let's put it this way. Less spade work was done than Congress spend on planning their yearly 'fact' finding junkets.

Anonymous said...

You should know Mr. Chuds.

Bob Huntley said...

If there is anyone in this whole world not entitled to name someone untrustworthy it is Trumpo the Clown.

Anonymous said...

Untrustworthy is the Democrat controlled Congress that left South Vietnam out to dry.

Untrustworthy is not building a consensus to stay on Syria. There should have been one from the time Obama was overtly aiding the rebels. We are talking 2 to 6 years before Trump was president.

UNTRUSTWORTHY IS A CLOWN LIKE bOb, WHO ALWAYS complains but never say what he is for or how to achieve it except rarely in the vaguest terms.

Anonymous said...

Look at that. I got under your skin. Must suck to be you.

Bob Huntley said...

Under my skin?

It must suck to be you having to look for minuscule accomplishments.

Anonymous said...


Minuscule is pleading with doctors to do what they have already been paid to do.

Take care of your daughter in a country with socialized medicine

I am surprised you had the balls to do even that. It was a close run thing to be sure.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

So you cannot remember all your lies. How sweet!