Saturday, October 19, 2019

Protests Are Hitting The World

Riot police fire tear gas to disperse demonstrators during a protest targeting the government over an economic crisis, near the government palace in Beirut, Lebanon October 18, 2019. Reuters

The National: Protests around the world: violent clashes hit Chile, Hong Kong, Lebanon and Barcelona

Here's the latest in each of the country's affected by unrest.

Protests have broken out in several countries across the world, with citizens unhappy for different reasons. Some are protesting over economic conditions, others are protesting over tax hikes and elsewhere protests are breaking out over controversial laws or prison sentences imposed by governments.

Here's the latest in each of the country's affected by violent clashes and unrest.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The world is definitely going through an interesting phase right now. I have lived long enough to see how much the standard of life for the world has improved in the past few decades. But this has generated even more higher expectations, and frustration when they are not met. Throw in authoritarian governments, elites ignoring public opinion, and a world that is strongly influenced by social media .... we now have the ingredients for unrest that can be quickly organized and targeted. And here is an easy prediction .... it is going to get worse. And if we are faced with a serious global recession .... I can see half the world exploding just like that (snapping my fingers).


Anonymous said...

Sure, standards are rising, but the world suffers from even faster growing social inequality. Sure. We are all equal, or that's what we claim.'s lip service. Even if you're just as smart or talented as Jeff Bezos - if you came up in the wrong neighborhood or country or family, your chances to make it to a millionth of what he has are very slim indeed... On top, a lack of purpose and civility and rampant corruption everywhere and you will see more and more protesters and wars. It will get much worse before it gets better

Anonymous said...

Remove the fact that republics are outdated, true democracy can be implemented and each person can vote for themselves on every piece of legislation. We live on a planet dominated by advertising, they know so much about us, our habits, our networth and more. All getting used to exploit use for another dollar here, another dollar there and we end up with nothing, as freedoms are removed and legislation implemented to force us to consume more expensive crap. Inherently people are going to rebel, you cannot fool the masses and they will rise up and overthrow anyone trying to dictate.

Anonymous said...

and each person can vote for themselves on every piece of legislation

Should they?

Should someone who is innumerate be voting on scientific things?

If people think illiteracy is a problem (and it is) such that we need world wide campaigns to wipe it out, then innumeracy is an even bigger problem.

If a person is literate, but innumerate, they think they are smart when they are actually quite stupid and that is extremely dangerous.

"Democracy can't work. Mathematicians, peasants, and animals, that's all there is — so democracy, a theory based on the assumption that mathematicians and peasants are equal, can never work. Wisdom is not additive; its maximum is that of the wisest man in a given group."

"Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house."

adjective. unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods; unable to use mathematics; not numerate.

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

Anonymous said...

I also think a violent uprising might come - and it will surprise people.

You've seen the Internet organised flash mobs plundering super markets ... the same will happen soon with other targets. Think mansions etc. . Whatcha gonna do if 50-100 people flash mob your place? Run or beg for your life. I think prime target are mansions in the US. Perhaps at border states but also in cities like SF where income disparity is trough the roof..

Anonymous said...

Should someone who has voted for policies to keep others innumerate (and illiterate) be voting at all?

Holding others down, shutting them out, while bragging about how smart you are - and snobbishly quoting militarist libertarians, is the hallmark of elitists who become the targets of many a revolution.

Someone who is numerate and thinks that makes them better than, and lords it over, others, as opposed to trying to uplift them is, at best, a poisonous tyrant and an enemy of the species.

Anonymous said...

Armed mob of 50 to 100 people and 10 will die outright. Another 5 or 10 will die in the rout.

With a little organization they will take 30% to 70% casualties during the 1st encounter.

The flash mob thing are all registered Democrats, who are looking for people to be their slaves. Little people work and Democrats take.

Anonymous said...

Should someone who has voted for policies to keep others innumerate (and illiterate) be voting at all?

Why you make a lot of accusation and do not support any of them. I got some of my training at community colleges, which is inexpensive.

There is a federal program called upward Bound for those who say they have no money. In 2 years or less by training at a community college you can be solidly middle class. That is what I have found. So someone, who says that there is no opportunity, is brainwashed lazy or stupid. There it is. There is no other way to say it.

Of course community colleges are nice. Can you imagine they have housing for a 2 year college and instantly there is drama. Guns, drugs, loud parties and then police.

Of course those partying, keeping other up sleepless and thus hurting their academic chances, doing drugs and running around with Democrat approved guns most often do not graduate. So they will blame "Da Man" just like the Democrats have trained them to do.

Even people from India know to go to school in community colleges. It is a thing. They attend a 4 year university, but they take some elective at a community college to cut costs. Somehow Demofucks never get the message. Life is so hard if they do not get into one of the top 10 universities and then it is even harder, when they can't hack it.

PS: It is terribly unfair for Indians to go to community colleges. They ruin they grade curve for lazy Democrat students.

Anonymous said...

You clearly have never experienced a flash mob. Even if you'd have a few hours notice that they'd be coming your numbers are way off. Don't be silly. Flash mobs are frightening and unless you have a small army at your residence you will be running for your life and hope they only take your goods.

Anonymous said...

I know what a flash mob is. I can watch a video and time it.

And these people making up the flash mobs are registered Democrats, the party of slavery and useless idiots.

You could study military science, but you won't.

Anonymous said...

Oh look more registered Democrats.

This is what Democrat leaders, pundits and activists tell us.

Anonymous said...

Phew! Well I'm glad I did not say there is no opportunity. I asked if someone who has voted for policies to keep others innumerate (and illiterate) be voting at all? By your reply I can safely assume you say "no".

Those who don't know how to, or didn't have, access to those opportunities, or have had them slashed because the money would be "better" spent on other things, like corporate welfare, don't deserve to be called, or treated as, "subhuman" by you or anyone else. Those who had the opportunity, fucked around and squandered it still don't deserve to be called "subhuman". They're idiots - but who knows, they may turn it around. Cheney did.

Your beef with Dem dumb liberals (as if dumb Repubs, or "independents", never run around with guns, party, disturb others,flunk out etc.) is pathological - and frankly, weird.

I went to comm college too. Worked hard, did very well, and never will deny others the chance to do so. Nor do I look down on those who have trouble with literacy or math. I try to help them - not lord it over them.

Acting all superior, quoting bigger assholes than yourself while running down others is not smart. It's also a sign of weakness.

It is terribly unfair for libertarians to only be allowed a vote that holds the same weight as everyone else's.

They're smarter than everyone else.

Just ask them.

Anonymous said...

"And these people making up the flash mobs are registered Democrats, the party of slavery and useless idiots."

And separated from Republicans in name only for decades.

Loving the NED. Flash mobbing bi(sic)-partisans for Demonocracy since 1983.

Know your own.
Love your own.


Libertarians or "independents" as they like to go by after they voted Republican and it blew up (again), are stubbornly innumerate.

Anonymous said...

Even the aristocrats framing our constitution were more inclusive than the CHUDS who here think they are smarter than others. Sorry CHUDS are simply with it

Anonymous said...

I mentioned community college because some fuck (a liberal, CHUD, Leftist or Democrat) was whining that some people were keeping other people down.

So I mentioned community colleges. It disproves everything that CHUD said. I was so shocked getting a well paid job from community college work that I do not believe that liberal shit any more.

People who vote Republican fail out pf college? Yes they do and? But if a liberal does it, there are a million and one excuses that all need intervention by the government.

I've got to remember that CHUDS think Heinlein is an asshole. Must be that he was never on welfare and so they hate him.

Who said anything about lording over people. I just hate people who are innumerate, who are going to engage in yet another well engineered train wreck. I have a right to dislike, hate even or oppose stupid people.

A smart person not that any of the libfucks here are smart could have turned around Heinlein's quote and say that it applies to people in STEM majors who do not have enough business or liberal arts knowledge and therefore are equally unqualified to vote. I was kind of afraid of that argument, but the CHUD motherfuckers on the Left are just too stupid to see that argument.

God you fucks are unbelievably stupid.

Anonymous said...

CHUDKINS-=-Chuds are of the right, right? your chudling babble merely reveals another aspect of Chudism

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

CHUDS have to flash mob and steal other people's stuff because they have nothing.

they have nothing because other people made them sick. They force fed them and made them stuff their faces.

"Here We Go… Angry Gender Studies Professor Blames Trump for Black Women Being Obese (VIDEO)"

Trump grabbed that woman and forced donuts down her gullet.