Friday, October 25, 2019

The Case Against President Trump’s Former National Security Adviser Is Implicating Former Top Obama Intelligence And FBI Officials In Targeting Him

American Greatness: Flynn Attorney Accuses Government Prosecutors of Suppressing Evidence the Defense Uncovered

In a scorching court filing Wednesday, Gen. Michael Flynn’s legal team accused Department of Justice prosecutors of stonewalling and suppressing exonerating evidence the defense itself uncovered.

Lead counsel Sidney Powell also accused “certain elements in the government” of targeting Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, for destruction because he had “publicly expressed intent to audit the intelligence agencies where billions of dollars are unaccounted for.”

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WNU Editor: The case against President Trump’s Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has just gotten interesting. Michael Flynn's lawyer has discovered that prosecutors did not only hide evidence that they knew would exonerate Mr. Flynn, but she discovered the following .... senior US Justice official Lisa Page edited Mr. Flynn's 302 and lied about it (A 302 summary report consists of contemporaneous notes taken by an FBI agent when interviewing a subject). And more explosively, former National Security Adviser James Clapper is most likely the leaker of Flynn’s phone call with Russian Ambassador Kislyak to Washington Post reporter David Ingatius. Apparently he even told WaPo reporter Ignatius to "take the kill shot on Flynn". If you have an hour and want to read all of these documents, grab a cup of coffee and go to the above tweet.


Anonymous said...

Why is Fred happy? Because Flynn plead.

Why did Fred plead? It was basically an Alford plea.

So the dishonest Freds, who only cared about their side wining were fat, dumb and happy.

Now Flynn who was going to go to jail and them perhaps live in genteel poverty or worse see daylight. He has the documents. He can recoup his life saving and then some. He can do unto his enemies what they were going to do to him, but be on the moral high ground.

Then what will the Freds do? Complain that 'Mueller's targets fought back those dirty rats'? If the Freds had read past the 1984-ish headlines that the psyops people in the press wanted them to read they would have learned that Mueller had a bad records of prosecutions that were overturned.

Mike Feldhake said...

The worst part of all this crap is how people inside the government went rough against the People! That should piss anyone off. Once we loose our sense of due process and allow a manipulation of the information to achieve goals that's spells doom. Argh! Will write my Senator and reps again!

Roger Smith said...

Isn't this something. Time to donate yet again to Judicial Watch and friends.

But...this will be a tempest in a teapot. It's how government works after 8 years of obama and how many years of the Clintons? We are growing to accept it.

Even the spelling corrector is crooked; when I use the appropriate small case letter for ex. president "o", the programmed robot instantly makes the small o a capitol o, as in O. Where is it's power cord?