Wednesday, October 30, 2019

US House Overwhelmingly Votes To Recognize The Armenian Genocide

BBC: US House says Armenian mass killing was genocide

The US House of Representatives has voted overwhelmingly in favour of recognising the mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during World War One as a genocide.

The issue is highly sensitive and comes amid deteriorating US-Turkey relations.

Presidential hopeful Joe Biden said the vote honoured the memory of victims.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the "worthless" vote, which was held on Turkey's National Day, was the "biggest insult" to Turkish people.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Armenia is praising this U.S. vote .... Armenia hails U.S. move to recognize Armenian 'genocide' a century ago (Reuters). Turkey has responded .... 'Shameful': Turkey rejects US resolution on 'Armenian genocide' (Al Jazeera). More here .... Turkey's Erdogan slams Washington's condemnation of the Armenian genocide as 'worthless' and tells the US 'your history is full of the stain of slavery' (Daily Mail).

More News On The US House Overwhelmingly Voting To Recognize The Armenian Genocide

US House overwhelmingly votes to recognize Armenian genocide -- The Guardian
House Passes Resolution Recognizing Armenian Genocide -- The New York Times
US House advances bill imposing sanctions on Turkey over Syria -- Al Jazeera
US lawmakers recognize killing of Armenians as genocide -- DW


RussInSoCal said...

The Turks have ingrained the denial of their genocide of the Armenians into their national ethos. They probably actually believe the lie they've been telling themselves for the last 100 years.

(And I appreciate Turkish President Recep Tayyip Gollum reminding us of US slavery. /Because we've totally moved on and deny that part of our history)

Mike Feldhake said...

Really, now!? Was it OK just a year ago!! No, politics....Turkey goes rouge and we decide it's time to face the facts - LOL.

Anonymous said...

lordy lord. I agree with russ!
it is the Dems doing this. Will the GOP senate agree?
We ignored this in the past in order to ensure using airspace over Turkey for our NATO, having sacrificed the Kurds, the Dems are striking back

Anonymous said...

Why is Congress so tough on Turkey now?

Because they can try to get Trump at the same time

Turkey has not changed since Anastasia O'grady began reporting on him in the pages of the WSJ around 1999.

This is the same Erdogan that stabbed us in the back in 2003

Now, 16 to 23 years later Congress wants to get tough?

Anonymous said...

It's rich for Erdogan to complain about slavery in the US when the Ottomans had vastly more slaves for a far longer period of time. Just goes to show that such complaints aren't about applying a standard, but merely used for rhetorical purposes.


Roger Smith said...

Anon 1:31 PM agreed. The dimz find a way to play against Trump. History given a glance or ignored when the empty suit was in power but now....well...well folks, you know. Wha wha wha.

Pathetic and shallow.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

where were the Repubs then and now...curious how you focus on Others but not on your own!

Anonymous said...

This bill was brought up before. It was condemned by Turkey before

Who was Speaker then? Nancy Pelousy.

Bush had other things on his plate like the Afgahn war, the Iraq War, impeachment.

They are always trying to go after a Republican president. When Ted Kennedy and McCain were working on No Child Left Behind and Bush was reaching across the aisle in the 1st year of his term, I thought Dems were going to impeach him.

Dems always have things in a fucking uproar.

Good Muslim, anti-Semite and member of the Anti-Semitic Democrat Party in good standing, Ilhan Omar voted present.

Yes Democrats are the anti-Semitic party.

Anonymous said...

It is the "anti semitic" Democrat party that is p[ushing the bill. The gop, when in control did not. Trump did not. The gop senate did not. THE DEMOCRATS ARE DOING THIS

Anonymous said...

1) The Democrats could have pushed it to fruition in 2007. Why the wait?

2) The only reason to do this after 12 years is so that they are doing something except impeachment whack-a-mole.

Sorry, screaming, pouting nonagenarian.

PS the Democrat Party still has all the anti-Semites (Tlaib, Omar, Obama etc)

Yes, Obama. You can draw a line from FarahKhan to Pastor Wright (who Obama cannot disown) to Obama.

Anonymous said...

let us try to make this very simple, ok?
Trump could have...did not
Senate could have...did not
now all your name-calling means shit. The Democrats voted to name Turkey responsible for the Armenian not the GOP...the Democrats
is that sufficient for even you to understand?<
and now, chuds, back to name-calling, low life low IQ misfits

Roger Smith said...

As you know anon 9:43PM, both parties over the decades probably, have brought this up not as dimz, not as repubs but as people. Neither could get up enough votes to pass this.
When the prior president was in power the statement concerning Turk genocide was not passed even for the two years that the entire congress was dim-o-crat controlled. Passing this statement this time is politics and emotion. In the past it was emotion.

Pick and choose comment. Watch your flanks before attacking. And a bit of historical knowledge helps also. Eh?

Bob Huntley said...

What I find interesting, and of course I am looking at it as an outsider and I have no dog in the American political races, is that sometimes sensible and obviously needed legislation is proposed could be by either party but is often defeated. Sometimes that defeat comes when just enough of the proposing party's members decide to vote against the bill, for what ever reason.

From a distance it almost seems as if there is a controlling authority, perhaps moneyed interests, that appreciate the need for people to see their representatives working for them even if what is needed gets defeated, or, just abandoned as when a leader, House or Senate, simply decides to not let it come to a vote.

Bob Huntley said...

Well I will say that in general the US is pretty fucked up especially now with Trumpo the Clown in charge. But don't worry about that, as soon it will become the same old, same old, and he will be watching it from jail.

You sound like a woman, "you don't love me you hate me!" I don't hate America nor you for that matter and in respect to the latter I pity you and whoever has the misfortune of living within a 100 mile radius of you.

"Anonymous". In your case a very appropriate name for a jerk whose father was a communal hot tub.