Monday, October 28, 2019

U.S. House To Take A Vote On The Impeachment Inquiry This Thursday

New York Times: Democrats Move Toward Bringing Impeachment Inquiry Public

WASHINGTON — House Democrats moved quickly on Monday to bring their impeachment case against President Trump into the open, saying they would forgo court battles with recalcitrant witnesses and would vote this week on procedures to govern nationally televised hearings.

Representative Adam B. Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman leading the inquiry, began the day by telling reporters that Democrats would not wait to fight the Trump administration in court as it moves to block key witness testimony. Instead, he warned that White House directives not to cooperate — like one that stopped Mr. Trump’s former deputy national security adviser from appearing Monday morning — would simply bolster their case that the president had abused his office and obstructed Congress’s investigation.

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WNU editor: US House Speaker Pelosi is saying that what is going to be voted this week is not an impeachment resolution (see below tweet)?!?!?! So a vote to formalize impeachment isn't an impeachment resolution?

More News On The U.S. House Decision To Take A Vote On The Impeachment Inquiry This Thursday

Democrats to vote on Thursday on how to make Trump impeachment probe public -- Reuters
House to take vote on impeachment inquiry -- AP
House to vote for first time on impeachment procedures -- The Hill
House Democrats set vote on impeachment procedure amid Republican criticism -- CNBC
'We Will Not Legitimize The Sham Impeachment': House Minority Leader Responds To Pelosi Announcement -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

So let's say Trump is impeached. Then that would make Pence the POTUS. Pence could then appoint Trump as VP, then resign making Trump POTUS again. Trump could then reappoint Pence as VP, and we'd be back at square one.

Have the democrats thought this through? If they impeach Trump this close to the 2020 election, Trump will run as the Republican nominee anyways and will have a base that would be absolutely enraged and ready to crawl over glass to vote him back in. The democrats would suffer an electoral blood bath.

Anonymous said...

Dems are like little kids, the terrible twos. They only know what they want.

They believe (many of them) that if they impeach Trump Hillary or Pelosi will be president.

Some of them are a little bit more logical (not much) and have the plan of impeach Trump, impeach Pence, install Pelosi.

These people are power crazy, greedy, disreputable individuals.

Anonymous said...

Either the Dems will make a substantial case or they will not.
that is how the system works. don't like it? move