Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Look At The U.S. Navy's Newest Destroyer

FOX News: Navy takes next step with new, more lethal Flight III destroyer

The Navy has laid the keel for its first new, Flight III DDG 51 surface warfare destroyer armed with improved weapons, advanced sensors and new radar 35-times more sensitive than most current systems, changing attack and defensive options for the surface fleet.

Navy Flight III Destroyers have a host of defining new technologies not included in current ships such as more on-board power to accommodate laser weapons, new engines, improved electronics, fast-upgradeable software and a much more powerful radar. The Flight III Destroyers will be able to see and destroy a much wider range of enemy targets at farther distances.

The ship, called DDG 125, will be named the USS Jack H. Lucas; it is the first of many Flight III Destroyers the Navy plans to build.

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WNU Editor: Once completed this warship will probably be the most advanced and lethal ship on the open seas.


RussInSoCal said...

Burke class DDGs are very powerful and reliable boats. Hope they keep building them instead of creating fantasy hulks that are too expensive, too fragile, and too complex to take 20 miles out of port.

Andrew Jackson said...
