Friday, November 1, 2019

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 1, 2019

Demonstrators gesture and carry national flags during a protest against the country's ruling elite, on the anniversary of the 1954 revolution against French colonial rule, in Algiers, Algeria November 1, 2019. REUTERS/Ramzi Boudina

Jeremy Brown, BBC: Is a new Arab Spring unfolding in the Middle East?

As the last of the Middle Eastern summer fades away, is the region slipping into a new Arab spring?

In Iraq, demonstrators are being shot dead in the streets. In Lebanon, protesters have paralysed the country and seem set to bring down the government of Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri. In recent weeks the Egyptian security forces crushed attempts to protest against the police state of President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi.

Iraq, Lebanon and Egypt have plenty of differences. But the protesters have grievances in common, and they are shared by millions of people, particularly the young, across the Arab Middle East.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 1, 2019

The Coming Emergency in Iraq -- Thanassis Cambanis, Foreign Affairs

Hashd al-Shaabi and Hezbollah: Iran's allies in Iraq and Lebanon -- Tom Allinson, DW

U.S.-Iran Confrontation Leaves Gulf Allies Uneasy -- Con Coughlin, The National

Syria: What does Turkey's 'resettlement' plan mean? -- Seda Serdar, DW

The U.S.-China Clash Is Here to Stay -- Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat

Asia Faces a Time for Choosing -- Curtis Chin & Jose Collazo, Japan Times

Afghanistan on the Edge? Elections, Elites, and Ethnic Tensions -- A. Watkins, War On The Rocks

Can India realize its ambitious renewable energy targets? -- Murali Krishnan, DW

The threat of intraethnic strife in Ethiopia -- Adem K Abebe, Al Jazeera

Russia's internet law a 'new level' of censorship: RSF -- Timothy Jones, DW

Time for a Balkan reboot -- Florian Bieber, Politico

What Happens to the United Kingdom Now? -- Chris Patten, Project Syndicate

Why Trump Should Use ‘Economy of Force’ Warfare -- Gary Anderson, Washington Times

Donald Trump won't win the 'endless' war by simply killing terrorists like Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi -- Eric Tlozek, ABC News Online

Another al-Baghdadi-style raid on ISIS militants could soon become mission impossible -- Thomas S. Warrick, NBC


Anonymous said...

Free Nude pics for the collections of Dirty Democrats.

It is Democrat approved.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Trump CIA “Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella Said Nothing as His Pal Joe Biden Allowed Millions to Flow to His Son Hunter – But Filed Complaint When Trump Mentioned it in Phone Call!



Anonymous said...

"The Chilean government and the legacy media blamed the fare hikes on rising oil prices. But that isn’t true.

Oil prices aren’t rising. Global oil prices are currently 25 percent lower than they were a year ago and 37 percent lower than they were five years ago."

The Media lies!


Anonymous said...

Accused LGBT Child Molester and Obama Bundler Arrested For Paying Off Sex Abuse Victim To Disappear

Anonymous said...

"Here’s Terry Bean chilling on the ramp next to Air Force One with Obama and ex-Oregon governor John Kitzhaber."

Anonymous said...

Andrew Cuomo: 'We Didn't Have Hurricanes' Before Climate Change

Anonymous said...

Trump fled NY because he thinks this will keep the state from getting his crooked income taxes!
-- Fox News Poll: Record support for Trump impeachment | Fox News
--Sean Doolittle on declining White House invite: ‘I don’t want to hang out with somebody who talks like that’
--White House official who heard Trump’s call with Ukraine leader testified that he was told to keep quiet
--Trump claims the impeachment inquiry will “backfire.” Polling indicates he’s wrong.
--Growing number of GOP senators consider acknowledging Trump’s quid pro quo on Ukraine
--Trump impeachment: White House lawyer 'told top security official not to discuss Ukraine call' after expressing concerns
--Official says ISIS leader al-Baghdadi 'whimpering' and 'crying' before his death sounds like something Trump 'made up'

Anonymous said...

‘It’s like nothing we have come across before’: UK intelligence officials shaken by Trump administration’s requests for help with counter-impeachment inquiry

As impeachment inquiries heat up, president’s people are busy pursuing a counter offensive aimed at discrediting Mueller’s findings that Russia interfered in 2016 election
Top White House official tried to find out if ambassador went rogue or acted at Trump's direction on Ukraine — Top WH Russia adviser finishes closed-door testimony, says he was worried about call transcript leaking — (CNN)A top White House official told lawmakers he tried to find …
--Donors pledge enough money to get Baby Trump balloon to Lexington for president’s visit
---Trump’s approval among Republicans drops eight points since September