Saturday, November 2, 2019

Editor's Note

Prepping the chalet for winter. Blogging will return later today.


RussInSoCal said...

Being a chalet owner, that reminds me, I’ve much work to do to winterize my chalet as well. These harsh California winters and all. So I can sympathize with all us chalet owners It’s a tough job but someone has to do it.


Anonymous said...

CRIMINAL DEEP STATE: Corrupt DOJ Admits FBI LOST AND DESTROYED Original 302 Report from Michael Flynn Interview

If they can't keep Flynn in jail due to their corrupt antics, they certainly will admit to being fuck-ups instead of criminals to avoid going to jail themselves.

Anonymous said...

Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Suddenly Won't Testify; Lawyers Break Off Negotiations Amid New Revelations

Typical Schiff

Typical of the Democrats

Typical of liars

Typical of CHUDS

Roger Smith said...

"it's a tuff job..." Russ & other chalet owners, when that white stuff is feet deep, consider a desert property I have for sale.

Your concerned friend, Roger

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, once the House impeaches Trump - which it most certainly will - the tables will turn in the Senate, which will hold a mandatory trial. Not only will the GOP-Senators controlling the proceedings be able to subpoena documents and other evidence, they'll be able to compel Ciaramella, the Bidens, Chalupa and any other witnesses they desire as we head into the 2020 US election.

Nancy Pelosi saw this coming and caved to her party anyway. There isn't enough popcorn in the world for what's comin"

I wonder how much popcorn parrots can stand? It must be hard on their gizzards.

RussInSoCal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

There is that name again.

Maybe that person is not as smart as they think they are.

“Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation today released 18 pages of documents revealing former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Special Coordinator for Libya Jonathan Winer coordinating with then-House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD) national security advisor, Daniel Silverberg to work on Russia dossier materials provided by Christopher Steele,” Judicial Watch released.

The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit after requests for communications about the dossier were ignored by State Department officials. They show direct conversations between Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson, Winer and Nuland about getting together for a meeting about a “Russia related issue.”

Anonymous said...

"Crosses in French Cemetery vandalized. People careful not to say by who or why"

Coming to a cemetery in French Speaking Quebec next?

Anonymous said...

"Terry Bean, a Portland-based high-profile Democrat donor & pioneering LGBT activist has been arrested. Prosecutors accuse Bean of paying $200k to a 15-year-old boy to make sex abuse charges go away. Bean co-founded America’s largest gay lobby group"

Walk like a Democrat!

Anonymous said...

RCMP “loses” another handgun

Toronto, Ontario. Wednesday, October 30th, 2019.

Sherway Gardens shopping mall.


An unidentified RCMP member places his or her black satchel containing their RCMP-issue handgun and 3 spare magazines of ammunition on a chair somewhere inside the shopping mall.

Anonymous said...

AfD deputy leader, Beatrix Von Storch on why Jewish people are flocking to the AfD

Maybe parrots will join one day!

Anonymous said...

German Jews join NAZI Party.

Those are the smart Jews.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine dressed up as @JustinTrudeau for Halloween

Justin never looked so good.

Just Saying

Anonymous said...

The Democrats wan tot release these criminals on innocent people.

The 25 incarcerated migrants in the Wake County Jail include:

- Four charged with murder,
- 11 charged with sexual crimes against children,
- Six charged with drug trafficking,
- Three charged with robbery and/or assault with a deadly weapon,
- One charged with 1st-degree sex offense by force/false imprisonment, and
- One charged with assault on a female

It is what Democrats do.

Amp1776 said...

Growing very impatient for the next election, and looking forward to that no rejection like having lost a second election rejection. Lol