Saturday, November 2, 2019

Smugglers Are Sawing Through Trump's Border Wall

Workers install panels of steel bollard fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border. (Nick Miroff/The Washington Post)

Washington Post: Smugglers are sawing through new sections of Trump’s border wall

SAN DIEGO — Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large enough for people and drug loads to pass through, according to U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the damage.

The breaches have been made using a popular cordless household tool known as a reciprocating saw that retails at hardware stores for as little as $100. When fitted with specialized blades, the saws can slice through one of the barrier’s steel-and-concrete bollards in a matter of minutes, according to the agents, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the barrier-defeating techniques.

After cutting through the base of a single bollard, smugglers can push the steel out of the way, allowing an adult to fit through the gap. Because the bollards are so tall — and are attached only to a panel at the very top — their length makes them easier to push aside once they have been cut and are left dangling, according to engineers consulted by The Washington Post.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If given time and a few resources, any barrier can be overcome. But the purpose of any barrier is to not make it easy for everyone. The best barriers in the world are in Israel.


Anonymous said...

"If given time and a few resources, any barrier can be overcome."

I don't think that's the point being made here, do you?

These breaches are being made with relative ease and commercially available tools.

Breaches need to be repaired.


Which costs money.

Which adds to the cost of maintenance.

Which is increased tenfold when the breaches are conducted with relative ease using easy to obtain cheap tools.

You would think, for such an expensive investment, they would make it 'harder' and more cost effective in the long-term.

Anonymous said...

You arrest the breach makers and make the penalty steep enough that they want to do a legit job.

It is easier to defend a breach than an area with no wall at all. It you have you enemy funneled then it is considerably easier.

Anonymous said...

Wall and other defensive works are force multipliers.

You learn the advantage when you do a military simulation and the attackers usually need a 3 to 1 force advantage to consider an attack and/or to succeed.

With a 6 to 1 force advantage for the attackers, it is an overrun situation.

CHUDS of the DNC try to ensure that illegals entering the US have a 6 to 1 advantage or better.

Roger Smith said...

Weighed against the cost these illegal "materials" and illegals represent this solution is viable and simply needs tweaking.
It reportedly has greatly reduced trafficking. This is not an overwhelming problem.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

I’d hate to try to cut through that stuff with a sawzall, it would be doeable with lots of blade change outs and some lubricant to keep the blade cool, but it would take forever and create a racket that you could probably hear from a mile away.
A good welder could replace a missing slat in less than 30 minutes.

Anonymous said...

You realize that a sazall is only part of the fiendish plot! There must be a Bobcat skid steer loader nearby. All kidding aside, watching the media discover these things is a trip.
Yeah a racket, there is no blade I know of (I do know, it used to be my business) that can do what they insinuate.

Anonymous said...

"An illegal alien convicted of molesting a child was released by a North Carolina sanctuary county despite federal immigration officials requesting he be turned over to them for arrest and deportation."

Democrat CHUDS doing their unholy and evil work.

Why do Democrats like molesting children?

Anonymous said...

why do CHUDS make such assholish statements about Democrats?
you merely make fully proved that most chuds are in fact dumb bigots

Anonymous said...

The breaches have been made using a popular cordless household tool known as a reciprocating saw that retails at hardware stores for as little as $100. When fitted with specialized blades, the saws can slice through one of the barrier’s steel-and-concrete bollards in a matter of minutes, according to the agents, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the barrier-defeating techniques.

Mike Feldhake said...

Just electrify the damn thing :)

Anonymous said...

Walls usually come as part of a system and is combined with things such as a dry or filled moat, a small wall before, a reaction force etc.

Do not expect a liberals to understand things military.

Remember liberals are tards and the ones that are not are liars.

Anonymous said...

The old secondary fence in the IB San yididro area was a was a fancy mesh chain linked fence topped with razor wire. This fence could be breached in minutes with a handheld power tool, as it was a 3 times daily event on average. There’s no way in the world you could get through the new barrier in minutes, pretty sure you are get quoted on the old highly inferior secondary fence that is now history.

Anonymous said...

Since becoming White House press secretary on July 1, Stephanie Grisham has held zero press briefings. Instead, Grisham has found the time to grant interviews to some of President Donald Trump’s favorite current and former Fox News hosts.

It is not new that Grisham appears on Fox News, or that Grisham tells pro-Trump lies. Sarah Sanders certainly did both quite a bit while she held the office.

But it is new that Grisham appears virtually only on Fox News.

Grisham's particular innovation is to move the entire office of White House press secretary into the world of Fox News and Fox-adjacent media.

Anonymous said...

The best ones are in Israel because they are coupled with sensors, cameras and rapid response teams.

This seems lacking on the US barrier.

Anything the size of a small animal touches the fence, alerts are sent. In a situation room cameras are trained and a team dispatched.
It's far more serious for infiltrations over there, as the risk is, its Arabs trying to get in and kill Jews, not migrants anymore.

Many times its just bedouins smuggling drugs, which of course is the lesser evil...

Anonymous said...

White House Press Briefings devolved int a the liberal presses way of demonizing any Republican president sand idolizing Democrat ones.

I hear that ACOSTA is suing Trump AND the USG for LOST WAGES. Since he is no longer a household name, his income is down.

It is not like Acosta is a good investigative reporter breaking stories. He is just a Democrat hack yelling at the president.

Anonymous said...

The ‘Whimpering’ Terrorist Only Trump Seems to Have Heard

President Trump offered a vivid account of the ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “crying and screaming” in the final minutes before his death. The only problem: No one else knows what he’s talking about.

Item: Bob Livingston. Remember him? When last seen by the wider public in the waning, innocent years of the 20th century, he was the newly minted designee to succeed Newt Gingrich as Republican Speaker of the House.

But he abruptly resigned after it was revealed (thanks to the public service of Larry Flynt) that he had indulged in extramarital affairs. This was something of an inconvenience, given that he was tapped to lead the charge of the light brigade against incumbent president Bill Clinton, impeaching the latter because of his shocking dalliances outside matrimonial bonds.

Unlike you or me in similar circumstances, Livingston, a cog in the great clockwork of Republican influence-peddling, landed on his feet. Founding a lobbying shop modestly named the Livingston Group, he developed a brisk business of green-washing dictators (such as Muammar al-Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak), fighting against formal recognition of the Turkish genocide of Armenians in World War I, and other worthy causes of clients with money.

"Today's GOP has become a creepy mashup of grade B totalitarianism and perverted Freudian manias disguised as family values."

Who could have imagined that Bob Livingston would link up with Giuliani and Associates to press the case that the United States needed to dump our career diplomatic personnel who actually knew something about Ukraine in favor of more transactional go-getters who would vigorously press the case that Kiev needed to get on board the Trump reelection campaign?

If you knew Livingston back in the day, you certainly could imagine it, because of course you could. Bob is the breed of Republican that Reagan inspired and Gingrich liberated, the breed that believes it’s all mine, the public be damned, accompanied by a hundred sermons from Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman. The breezy sunlit uplands of their dearest ideals are carpeted with money, soon to be whisked off to an offshore tax haven.

Anonymous said...

The wall is backed up by sensors. There are probably vibration sensors inside the wall to pick up tunneling.

Anyone who thought about it for long, would figure it out.

Castles of old had anti-tunneling sensors

The sensors on top are not perhaps wired. They are like out buildings and homes. They are wireless and use drones and towers.

Remember that liberals had cows, when Trump talked about the wall. They said he gave away too much info.

The Cartels have intel agents on both sides of the border. Democrats give the Cartels all the info they need via pillow talk. It is what Democrats do. That and try to rear down border defenses.

Anonymous said...

While leftists continue to deny that border control is a national security issue ...

"Among the jihadists that travel back and forth through the porous southern border is a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas. Khabir trained hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen and has lived in Mexico for more than a year, ..."


I heard some Democrat precinct captains in El Paso are hosting a love your ISIS jihadist.
It is a meet and greet.

Anonymous said...

Trump criticized CNN at length at his campaign rally in Tupelo. Then he gestured toward the back of BancorpSouth Arena and informed the crowd that he had just seen the light on CNN's camera go out.

"Their light just went off. See? Look. Their light was on -- they just turned it off," he said.

When the light is on, he explained, "that means you're live." CNN had stopped broadcasting live, he said, because it didn't want to air his scathing criticism.

He made up this whole story.

Facts First: CNN was never broadcasting the rally live. CNN was not providing the live "pool" feed to other television networks. CNN's photojournalist on the scene did not stop recording at any point in the speech. And the light on his camera is set so that it does not go on and off at all. streamed the live rally online.

Anonymous said...

Trump agrees to be questioned by lawyers for woman who says she was groped

Posted byu/KingOfAppalachia
1 hour ago
'Pretty disappointed in my Republican Party': Longtime legislator Dan Seum retiring

Anonymous said...

CHUDS. I'm scared of dark-skinned people near my white women.

CHUDS. I own a dealership. Come on down for great savings.

Anonymous said...

The Trump voter is a football fan rooting for the home team. “American First” is about winning the game at any cost, whatever the consequences, even if it means spying on the other team’s practices, deflating the footballs, or undermining the game. After all, what’s the big deal and everybody cheats. The goal is to win, not to kiss your sister.

What binds Trump’s extremely rich and economically struggling supporters together are their cynical beliefs about the motives of others. They think everyone else is out to steal what is rightfully theirs, whether it is great wealth or a small house with a lousy job, and that "liberals" have an unrealistic view of human nature, which permits them to welcome refugees and undocumented immigrants and to help Blacks and the undeserving who only want to grab away what they have. Get advantage for yourself; protect what you have; use the government to promote your personal business interest. That is the way the game is played. Meanwhile, rightwing religious leaders can ignore everything immoral that Trump does because, after all, we are all sinners and God works in strange ways.

Anonymous said...

4 posts ending at 5:23 by the parrot. I like the 3rd one. It shows what a reprobate prof the parrot was.

C.H.U.D. = Cannibalistic Humanoid Urban Dweller


1.) Liberals Are Eating Their Own

2.) Liberals are eating their friends as well as their enemies

3.) Joe Biden Is Learning That Liberals Eat Their Own


Liberals are humanoid.

LGBT Activists Won’t Admit Anything’s Wrong With A Man Flashing Children During Drag Queen Story Hour

Urban Dweller

Progressive Cities vs. Conservative States - The Atlantic

Anonymous said...

Markets and economists got an “October surprise” on Friday when the government reported a better-than-expected jobs figure. But, in a tweet that turned heads, President Donald Trump put a particularly rosy spin on those numbers.

Trump said the U.S. could have seen 303,000 jobs added in October, more than double the 128,000 reported by the Labor Department.

Larry Kudlow, the head of the National Economic Council, explained Trump's math during an interview on Fox Business Network.

To the 128,000 figure, Kudlow added: 95,000 from prior-month revisions; 60,000 to adjust for striking General Motors GM, +2.18% workers; and 20,000 Census workers who left their jobs.

“That is a blowout number,” Kudlow said. “We’ve seen nothing like it.”

Wow, a blowout JOBS number just out, adjusted for revisions and the General Motors strike, 303,000. This is far greater than expectations. USA ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

Trump and Barr have also been asking other foreign governments for help in investigating the FBI, CIA and Mueller investigators. The US president has called on the Australian prime minister Scott Morrison for assistance, while the attorney general has been on similar missions to the UK and Italy.

And the information being requested has left allies astonished. One British official with knowledge of Barr’s wish list presented to London commented that “it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services”.

Trump and Barr are going around the world and asking foreign governments to attack the United States intelligence community for them. Trump and his attorney general are looking for dirt that they can use to discredit the Russia investigation, and also validate the far-right conspiracy that Ukraine was behind the 2016 election attack.

Anonymous said...

CHUDS. All tier 1 operators get 3% off their first balloon payment on the new 2020 models.

Anonymous said...

Parrot posts at 5:38 PM and 6:34 PM

Anonymous said...

CHUDS. Get a free undercoating with your military ID.

KP duty does not count as military service. CHUDS.

Anonymous said...

" The Mexican scenes were shot in Spain for budget reasons and because of safety concerns about drug cartels in Mexico."