Monday, November 4, 2019

Inside Syria’s Teeming ISIS Prisons

Men accused of being Islamic State militants sit on the floor of a makeshift clinic at a critically overcrowded prison in Hasakah, Syria, on Monday. (Alice Martins for The Washington Post)

Washington Post: Inside Syria’s teeming ISIS prisons: Broken men, child inmates and orders to break free

HASAKAH, Syria — They are the remains of the Islamic State, a once sprawling kingdom built by foot soldiers from around the world to terrorize and enslave those they conquered.

Hollow-eyed and gaunt, the men and boys look broken. Days are spent in halting conversation with cellmates who still have the energy, or staring blankly across the teeming, fetid cells. Many have lost limbs in the battles that led them here. Others have lost eyes and ears, a result, they said, of airstrikes.

As Islamist militants fought in March for their last square mile in eastern Syria, fighters and families from more than 60 countries streamed out of their stronghold to surrender into the custody of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, a Kurdish-led force.

Eight months on, more than 10,000 men and children are still crammed into at least 25 makeshift prisons, lingering in legal twilight. The Kurdish-led force that holds them does not have the capacity to investigate or try them, and their home governments are mostly unwilling to take them back to face trials there.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Washington Post is trying to be sympathetic with these ISIS prisoners, their suffering, and the condition of their prison facilities. It is not working for me.


Anonymous said...

Ordinarily I would feel terrible for those kids, but considering many of them are indoctrinated to murder me I can't seem to feel pity. Such a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

The most humane thing for them and the safest course for the world would be to execute them all. I am mystified why this is not done. Everyone knows these prisoners are animals. Were the situation reversed, ISIS would have no problem with executing all of their captors.

Bob Huntley said...


Mike Feldhake said...

Ok, but that's a very large PR issue; everyone would think "Nazi" and take advantage of the issue. How about indoctrination camps??.....oh no, China is doing that but surprisingly not getting a lot of push back. What does that say!? In the end, free countries can't do that because we have too many laws giving criminals status.

Anonymous said...

NAZIs did run some POW camps in the US, because the authorities let them.

On the other hand I met a German POW, who said the best thing that happened to him was being captured by the Americans in North Afrika. I'll have to check and see if he got an education or partial education out of the deal. Which if it did happen combined with the education of the Japanese Americans in college during WW2 should inform people about organizations #1 and and about America #2.

RussInSoCal said...

Anons 1 and 2 have it right. It will eventually be necessary to kill every last me of them.

There should never have been that number of prisoners.

Damn the “optics”.

Bob Huntley said...

I agree,ultimately that may be the way to deal with them with some finality.

Unfortunately, having stepped that low, it would not be long that it will become the proper way to finish off enemies following their defeat.

Following the defeat of the Germans, WW II someone asked Churchill what they should do with the German war criminals they had captured. Churchill's response was something like "I suppose we could execute a hundred thousand of them". They didn't of course because that would be sinking to the level of the Nazis. If that had happened how much longer would mankind exist?

I think it is interesting that when they talk about German invasions of that today they always says 'when the Nazis invaded' an obvious strategy to distance the "German" people from the "Nazi" people when in fact, they were all Germans. Such things are necessary though to move forward.

For Anon if you are reading this,

I believe that if you were to write the history of America and it various incursions in other countries you would refer to the invaders as "Democrats".

Anonymous said...

Bobby ever mindful of his pablum would never convict an ISIS member no matter how many people they killed.

Alleged Ganatchio Trail killer committed to stand trial for murder