Wednesday, November 20, 2019

U.S. And Allied Bombing Campaign In Afghanistan Continues To Increase

USA Today: Bombs, missiles falling at record pace in long-running Afghanistan war

WASHINGTON – As American ground forces in Afghanistan shrink, U.S. and allied warplanes are dropping bombs and firing missiles at insurgent targets at a record pace in the 18-year-long war.

The spike in firepower coincides with a Trump administration policy, dating to 2016, that gives military commanders greater authority to attack Taliban and Islamic State militants in Afghanistan.

"The logic is that the Taliban may be more likely to agree to a peace deal acceptable to the United States and the Afghan government if the Taliban believe they can’t win the war in Afghanistan," said Seth Jones, a defense analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and former adviser to the special operations commander in Afghanistan.

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WNU Editor: It works out to about 20 airstrikes a day.

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...

20 strikes on average per day over what has been going on now for about 13 years and they still haven't won the hearts and minds of a country that has been at war within itself and against various invaders over for many centuries.

There is a definition of insanitiy that seems to apply here along the lines of doing something the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.

One might get the idea that all these useless and criminal wars are about wasting American financial resources to avoid having it spend all that money on the well being of, well American people.