Monday, November 18, 2019

What A War Between China And The U.S. Would Look Like Scary vision of all-out war between China and the US

With the rise of China’s military strength, US strategists are working hard to predict how a war would play out. And it doesn’t look good.

How does one think the unthinkable? What could lead to war in Asia? Who would win? Is there even such a thing as winning?

These questions are urgently being thrashed out in think tanks all around the world.

Retired US Admiral and head of Special Operations Command William McRaven warns the West has experienced a “holy sh*t” moment.

The US is suddenly no longer the world’s only military superpower. And, in some areas, China may even be ahead. “And oh, by the way, it’s just going to get harder as we get further into the future,” he warned an international affairs forum last month.

It’s already starting to do just that.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A sobering read.


Anonymous said...

America is not designed to win a war.
War will be dictated on alliances, where a single independent warship can make all the difference. China could annex city after city, country after country but the west would not be subdued.

Bob Huntley said...

What would start such a war? Likely something very simple, something that can happen every day without consequence, but, if it happened between two major leaders, one of which is maniacal ..... whammo.

Anonymous said...

While quick victories are possible, sometimes those assumptions can be over optimistic like in the case of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.