Sunday, November 24, 2019

Why Is The US Navy Picking A Fight With President Trump?

Trump’s tweet appeared to escalate the prospect of a showdown between him and senior Navy leadership. AFP

Instapundit: I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY’RE PICKING THIS FIGHT WITH TRUMP. BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE DOING. Navy Is Said to Proceed With Disciplinary Plans Against Edward Gallagher.
There is precedent for presidents intervening in military justice matters. John F. Kennedy stopped the punishment of an Army Reserve soldier who was court-martialed for bad-mouthing him. Abraham Lincoln infuriated some of his generals by regularly combing through court-martial orders for Union troops who were charged with desertion and other crimes and scrawling impromptu one-line orders for leniency, like “Let him fight instead of being shot."
        But experts say the constitutional arrangement of civilian control over the military can become strained when a president disregards the counsel of generals and admirals, or never seeks it in the first place.

Well, that’s one way it can become strained. Another is when people inferior to the President set themselves up in judgment over his orders, and publicly challenge them. Lt. Col. Vindman is apparently not alone in this.

WNU Editor: Civilian control over the military is paramount. If there are those in the military who oppose what the civilian authority is doing, they should retire, be transferred, and/or fired. But as Glenn Reynolds from Instapundit says in the above post, there has been many incidences of Presidents and the military not seeing eye to eye on issues. The US Navy ignoring President Trump on the case of Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher is therefore not unique. But in the end the President's decision will be the final one, and I expect the same will happen with this case.


Bigus Macus said...

From the Navy Times News SECNAV76


I would like to further state that in no way, shape, or form did I ever threaten to resign. That has been incorrectly reported in the press. I serve at the pleasure of the President.

Anonymous said...

Revolt of the Admirals

Mike Feldhake said...

Yes, the Brass work at the behest of the civilian leaders - Done.

More click bait?

RaceAll said...

they should be least.brought up on charges wouldn't hurt.President makes the call.period...

Bob Huntley said...

The President undermines the authority/integrity of the military. His ability to pardon is a valid action, however, when it is done for political reasons it is one more bit of grease on a slippery slope. A member of the military who is found guilty of a war crime should not reap the embellishment of a military honor.

I wonder if now we will see members of the military return their awards now that the President has put them into the same category as a war criminal?

Having said that, I do believe there are those much higher up that should be tried for war crimes, you know, to shows those that commit such crimes had better be careful when they decide to put the country into questionable wars.

Anonymous said...

Politicians, activists, and voters undermine military integrity with insane ROE, forever war, lack of resources, clearly stated aims ...

Regular citizens and clergy undermine military integrity with outreach and other kumbaya activities.

Time after time Muslims imans say one things at interfaith dialogues and another in front ot their congregations.

Pope Francis deals with imans just like this.

Anonymous said...

Remember your Muad’Dib: “When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”