Wednesday, January 22, 2020

EU Commission Chief Ursula von der Leyen Wants Europe To Be A Global Military Power

DW: EU's von der Leyen: Europe needs 'credible military capabilities'

The EU has set up "the building blocks of a European defense union," EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen has said in Davos. She also hailed a "European open science cloud" aimed to boost research in the bloc.

In order to respond to crises, the EU needs "credible military capabilities," the leader of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen said at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday.

The bloc has already "set up the building blocks of a European defense union," the former German defense minister said in her speech.

"It is complementary to NATO and it is different," she added. "There is a European way to foreign policy and foreign security policy where hard power is an important tool […] but it is never the only one."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The EU chief is not the only one calling for an EU Army .... EU Army: Emmanuel Macron's close ally demands Europe become a global military power (Express).


James said...

They won't do it with the current crop of continental leaders.

RussInSoCal said...

Yep. Too much money and national priority dedicated to nanny state endeavors.

Anonymous said...

As James points out. the current leaders belly aching now are the ones who have made a NATO a joke with shipless navies, grounded air forces and ground troops training with broom sticks.

Macron is a bad joke.

So is EU Commission Chief Ursula von der Lay'n.

IMO the Marines or even Jope Biden could have got the Tauregs on their side.

Bob Huntley said...


B.Poster said...

All of these posts are spot on. There's not much I can add except to say I've wanted Western Europe to take a more active role in their defense for years. They are at least talking about it now, a baby step in the right direction I think. If Trump can be the one to provide the proverbial kick in the oants to make this happen, awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Nice headfake

B.Poster said...

I meant "kick in the pants." I apologize for the oversight.

Anonymous said...

Still a headfake

B.Poster said...

"Headfake" is that directed at me? How so? My above post is actually consistent with my other posts here. If you read them in their entirety, you would know this.

My post contained a typo. When I realized it, I apologized. This is what polite people do.

I've wanted Westetn Europe to take the lead role in their defense for years now. If Trump can be the catalyst to get this done, great!!

If "headfake" is directed at me, you are accusing me of being a liar without any evidence Essentially this is the behavior of an internet troll.

As I stated, the post is consistent with my other post here. Perhaps there is something I can clarify. It would be helpful if could specify what needs to be clarified in any of my posts here. Very respectfully this is a better approach than baseless accusations. By taking a more reasonable approach there are opportunities to learn. Baseless accusations are counterproductive.