Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Is The World Ready For A Pandemic?

Adam Minter, Bloomberg: Deadly Virus in China Should Scare World Leaders to Action

Countries need to spend more to prepare for the possibility of a pandemic.

China was completely unprepared when the virus now known as SARS emerged in the late autumn of 2002. Among other deficiencies, the government had almost no medical or administrative infrastructure in place to identify, monitor and respond to an epidemic, much less to notify the rest of the world of the impending danger. As a result, thousands of people were infected, almost 800 died, and the global economy suffered at least $40 billion in losses.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: No one can ever be ready for a pandemic. As for the current crisis, China is now starting to quarantine Wuhan .... China quarantines Wuhan amid coronavirus outbreak (FOX News). I would take this as an admission by the Chinese authorities that they have lost control.


RussInSoCal said...

A better question would be, is the world ready to do what's necessary to contain it.

Of which the answer is a no.

James said...

I agree with Russ. We're better prepared medically, but politically and socially no.

Dave Goldstein said...

11 million people is a lot of people to feed. More than NYC and Chicago combined. I hope the Chinese can handle something like this.

Anonymous said...

There's a joke about Chinese take out somewhere in there, but it would be tasteless.

Bob Huntley said...

What do they call Chinese food in china?

Mike Feldhake said...

I’m not going to panic. It’s common that viruses pass and it actually necessary. We can’t build immunity if we don’t share.

RussInSoCal said...

Don't order the bat soup.

Bob Huntley said...

Anon 9:33

Interesting answer Anon, but as per your usual mindset, wrong.

I asked my girl friend's 7 year old grand son that question and, he, got it right first time.

Anonymous said...

And Bob, aka 9:33, is fighting with himself. Good entertainment! Everyone is a winner except Bob.