Friday, January 24, 2020

How 1 'Tactical' Nuclear Weapon Could Trigger A US-Russia War That Kills 34 Million People In 5 Hours

"Plan A" is an audio-visual simulation that shows how so-called "tactical" nuclear weapons could lead to a highly fatal global conflict between the Russia, the US, and allies. Princeton University/Nuclear Futures Lab

Business Insider: A terrifying new animation shows how 1 'tactical' nuclear weapon could trigger a US-Russia war that kills 34 million people in 5 hours

* A new simulation called "Plan A," by researchers at Princeton's Program on Science and Global Security, shows how the use of one so-called tactical or low-yield nuclear weapon could lead to a terrifying worldwide conflict.
* In the roughly four-minute video, a Russian "nuclear warning shot" at a US-NATO coalition leads to a global nuclear war that leads to 91.5 million deaths and injuries.
* Under President Trump, the US is ramping up production of tactical nuclear weapons, ostensibly to target troops and munitions supplies. While advocates say these weapons would keep wars from escalating, the simulation finds the opposite outcome.
* The dissolution of the INF treaty in August raised the stakes for nuclear war, as both the US and Russia were free to develop weapons previously banned under the treaty.
* On Jan. 23, 2020, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved its Doomsday clock to 100 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been, in a dire warning about the rising dangers of a nuclear catastrophe as Cold War-era treaties end.

More than 91 million people in Russia, the US, and NATO-allied countries might be killed or injured within three hours following a single "nuclear warning shot," according to a terrifying new simulation.

The simulation is called "Plan A," and it's an audio-visual piece that was first posted to to YouTube on September 6. (You can watch the full video at the end of this story.) Researchers at the Science and Global Security lab at Princeton University created the animation, which shows how a battle between Russia and NATO allies that uses so-called low-yield or "tactical" nuclear weapons — which can pack a blast equivalent to those the US used to destroy Hiroshima or Nagasaki in World War II — might feasibly and quickly snowball into a global nuclear war.

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WNU Editor:  I am skeptical on the 34 million people killed in 5 hours scenario. The number will be higher .... much higher.


Anonymous said...

Just think of the good points. No gas or electricity inn Ontario.

Bob Huntley said...

.... and no bills for same. Okay with me.

Anonymous said...

You're not the type to live without central heat.

Roger Smith said...


Agreed. That figure doesn't seem realistic. It doesn't include an opportunistic yellow peril, with large numbers of military expendables, next door to Russia. And didn't mention the world's younger members encountering life without a cellphone. This should be worth another 50+ million due to major morale collapse.