Friday, January 24, 2020

Pandemic Simulation Predicts 65 Million Could Die. Disturbing Videos Now Coming Out Of China

Business Insider: Health experts issued an ominous warning about a coronavirus pandemic 3 months ago. Their simulation showed it could kill 65 million people.

* A coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, has killed 18 people and infected more than 630.
* The virus has been reported in at least eight other countries, including the US, where a man in Washington who recently visited China was confirmed to have the illness.
* A scientist at Johns Hopkins last year modeled what would happen if a deadly coronavirus reached a pandemic scale. His simulated scenario predicted that 65 million people could die within 18 months.

Eric Toner, a scientist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, wasn't shocked when news of a mysterious coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, surfaced in early January.

Less than three months earlier, Toner had staged a simulation of a global pandemic involving a coronavirus.

Coronaviruses typically affect the respiratory tract and can lead to illnesses like pneumonia or the common cold. A coronavirus was also responsible for the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in China, which affected about 8,000 people and killed 774 in the early 2000s.

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WNU Editor: Disturbing videos are now coming out of China .... Coronavirus outbreak: Video shows dead bodies in halls of China hospital (NYPost). My friends and contacts in China are also now starting to express worry and alarm on what is happening. And some of these guys are in the government.


Sam said...

Nuke em.

RussInSoCal said...

It’s the Chinese culture that has given us this virus. Aside from the corruption and tyranny that Is the Chinese signature, the eating of half-cooked exotic animals like bats, badgers, kuala bears, snakes, rats, dogs and God knows what else has brought us this sickness. Inhumane and horrible treatment of these animals plus the fact that they live in filthy, close proximity to people had given us this virus.

I hear and read everywhere that China’s history and culture are magnificent and ancient. The oldest and greatest people on the planet. That’s debatable and my be true. But the current state of China is a 3rd world tyranny standing on the shoulders of others in a chaotic cesspool.

So thanks a lot China. You’ve done the world another great harm.

Sam said...

This will spread worse than wild fire. Please be careful at airports

Anonymous said...

China is like the US. It has pockets of poor people. In the 50s in the US it use to be Appalachia.

A decade ago I saw people in a ruined, roofless building in Shanghai. It rained on and off for days. These people had a campfire to keep warm. This was Shanghai with its bullet train and shiny high rises. You can find the same thing in LA.

I would not call China 3rd world. I would not call it first world. You can apply the same measuring stick to the US, Russia, or Canada.

Joe blowes said...

I don't believe in China look what gunpowder has caused