Friday, January 24, 2020

This Is Why The Israeli Air Force Has Dominated The Region

The F35 fighter jet plane, also known as the Adir, on the Tarmac at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas. (photo credit: LOCKHEED MARTIN / ALEXANDER H. GROVES)

Robert Farley, National Interest: Why the Arab World Fears Israel's Airforce

They having a winning record.

Key Point: There are a medley of reasons the Israeli Air Force has dominated the region.

Since the 1960s, the air arm of the Israel Defense Forces (colloquially the IAF) has played a central role in the country’s defense. The ability of the Israeli Air Force to secure the battlefield and the civilian population from enemy air attack has enabled the IDF to fight at a huge advantage. At the same time, the IAF has demonstrated strategic reach, attacking critical targets at considerable distance.

The dominance of the IAF has come about through effective training, the weakness of its foes, and a flexible approach to design and procurement. Over the years, the Israelis have tried various strategies for filling their air force with fighters, including buying from France, buying from the United States and building the planes themselves. They seem to have settled on a combination of the last two, with great effect.

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WNU Editor: They have the advanced planes, weapons/missiles, avionics, and the right training.


Anonymous said...

Civilizational disparity.

Bob Huntley said...

It evolved from Humans vs Neanderthals and utlimately just might return to something similar.

Roger Smith said...

The Israelis appear to have learned their lessons; obammas, kerrys, Neville Chamberlains, etc. are delusional and not supported.

Anonymous said...

Parrot misread Roger Smith's post.

Roger Smith did not say that the Israeli Air Force was not great before John Jerry or Obama. He merely wrote that those type of guys (lieberals) are not be trusted by Israel, because those lieberals will stab Israel in the back. You know like Obama did, when he refused to sell Hellfire missiles to Israel. What Obama did backfired, because now the US is buying missiles from Israel. Well, Obama is a dolt, so no surprise there.

It is true that the Israeli Air Force was not great before Neville Chamberlain. It is 'vacuously true' as they would day in logic. Not that Parrot could pass a logic course taught by a philosophy or mathematics department at an university.

Anonymous said...

There would be no state of Israel without the vote by the democrat Truman
Israel got its pledged aid of money under Obama
Your childish name calling tells us about you and your sick mind rather than anything else, bookeeper

Anonymous said...

Liar. You haven't changed one bit liar.