Wednesday, January 1, 2020

President Trump Hints That He May Use His China Trip to Get More Trade Concessions From China

SCMP: Donald Trump ‘may use China trip to push for more concessions in further trade war deal’

* Observers say Trump could make additional demands when he travels to Beijing after a phase-one trade deal is signed
* They could include buying more goods from the US and structural reforms

US President Donald Trump may use a trip to China to try to nudge Beijing into committing to changes in its economic model, according to observers.

And while a visit might help to ease trade frictions, they said Beijing would be bracing for the US leader to push for more concessions from China. Trump on Tuesday said a partial US-China trade pact – the so-called phase-one deal – would be signed on January 15, and he would also then travel to China for more talks.

“The ceremony will take place at the White House. High-level representatives of China will be present,” Trump tweeted. “At a later date I will be going to Beijing where talks will begin on Phase Two!”

There was no mention of Trump’s tweet in Chinese state media on Wednesday.

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WNU Editor: In every business deal that I have done with the Chinese over 35 years, they have used this tactic of saying a deal has been agreed upon, and then showing up later wanting more concessions. President Trump is doing to the Chinese what the Chinese have been doing to everyone else for decades, but in this case President Trump is the one with the leverage because of his power on tariffs. I am also not surprised that Chinese state media is keeping much of this trade deal and President Trump's comments off the air. They do not know how to spin this as a win.


Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Those Chinese toilets can't handle Trump and the gangs shizzzz.

We live in a golden age, my dudes. Fills me with pride.

B.Poster said...

President Trump is brilliant. The Chinese, Russians, and others haven't had to deal with a POTUS who is not only brilliant but tirelessly represents American interests even at the expense of his own in many decades.

Clearly Russian interference in our elections and Trump collusion with Russia are falsehoods. Continuing to spread this is the spread of misinformation. With that said Trump has been the worst nightmare for Russia and China. As such, I wouldn't be surprised if they do all they can to oust him during our elections.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha

Bob Huntley said...

Trump is brilliant?

The Iranians,the North Koreans (and the Russians and Chinese and Saudis and everybody else) know very well that Trump is a grossly under qualified, inexperienced, ignorant, narcissistic fool, fairly smart, but mentally ill, who thinks he knows everything better than everybody else, and they're playing him like dueling kazoos.

Understanding his raging narcissism very well, they've encouraged him to blow off America's (former) allies and suckle up to America's historic adversaries. Now it's beginning to blow up in his face, just as they've been planning for 3 years.

They've lured him into the sock, and I have no doubt there is coordination here between Iran and North Korea, and likely Russia (Iran's patron) and China (North Korea's patron).

Americans mostly don't want to think about the terrible vulnerability they face with a seriously mentally ill President. While for the last 4 years, every psychiatrist and psychologist in every intelligence agency in every other country has been busy building a psych profile on Trump to be used for the purpose of manipulating him.

Anonymous said...

- - -

B.Poster said...


It appears to me as though it is Trump who is "out playing" the Russians, Chinese, and others. As for the Iranians, the attacks on the Saudi oil facility and the US embassy utterly failed. As for the Saudis, "baby steps" have been made here such as women now being able to drive. For this, I credit Trump diplomacy.

In regards to North Korea, much has improved from what Trump has inherited. Moon Jae Inn believes denuclearization can be achieved by 2024. In agreeing to the Summit format, NK and their allies have extended a degree of prestige to Trump and by extension America and SK that no one else had been able to achieve.

As to the "raging narcissism" accusation, very respectfully this doesn't fit reality. In actuality Trump puts the interests of America above his own asking for very little in return.

I would assume that every nation tries to build profiles on other leaders. Whst I think they're finding is the "stable genius" of Trump cannot be manipulated as easily as other US leaders have been.

Bob Huntley said...

Both beauty and ugliness are in the eyes of the respective beholders.