Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Afghanistan Re-Elects President Ashraf Ghani. Rival Abdullah Abdullah Says He Is The Winner

The Guardian: Ashraf Ghani wins Afghan presidential election

Incumbent gained just over 50% of September votes but Abdullah’s team reject results

Five months after Afghans went to the polls to choose a new president, election authorities have declared the incumbent, Ashraf Ghani, the winner, but his main opponent has rejected the result and said he will form his own “inclusive government”.

After a heavily contested poll, Ghani officially scraped just over 50% of votes, averting a second round run-off. But hours after the election results were announced, rival Abdullah Abdullah declared himself the victor.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The opposition is not accepting this result .... Afghan election challenger Abdullah declares himself president, announces parallel government (France 24).

More News On The Re-election Of Ashraf Ghani

Afghan president wins vote, opponent says he’s the winner -- AP
Afghanistan presidential election: Ashraf Ghani re-elected -- BBC
Ghani named winner of Afghanistan's disputed poll amid fears of new turmoil -- Reuters
Ashraf Ghani secures second term as Afghan president: final results -- AFP
5 months later, Ashraf Ghani declared winner of Afghanistan's presidential election -- CNN
Afghanistan's presidential election: Ashraf Ghani declared winner -- Al Jazeera

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Abdullah Abdullah should have promised Democrats 20% kick back on all US aid to Afghanistan and the Democrats would have trucked in Uzbekis, Tajiks, Baluchis, Pakistanis and Iranians to fill the polling places and stuff the ballot boxes.

The Democrats could have further promised that all absentee ballots from Afghan 'volunteers' in Syria and their relatives in Iran would fall his way/

That is after of course the funds are laundered through an d NGO and a Latvian, Estonia, or Byelorussian banks and deposited into loyal apparatchiks accounts in DC.