Tuesday, February 18, 2020

EU Agrees To Deploy Warships To Enforce Libya Arms Embargo

AFP: EU agrees naval mission to stop Libya arms flow

Brussels (AFP) - EU foreign ministers agreed Monday to a naval operation to enforce an arms embargo on war-torn Libya, overcoming objections from countries who feared it may encourage new migrant flows.

The mission will be authorised to intervene to stop arms shipments, EU diplomatic chief Josep Borrell said, insisting the vessels would not be "having a promenade" in the Mediterranean.

The EU hopes to have the operation, focused on the eastern part of the Libyan coast, up and running by the end of March, Borrell said, though many details -- including the rules of engagement for naval units -- are yet to be worked out.

The conflict in the oil-rich but turbulent North African state was on the agenda for EU ministers meeting in Brussels, but Borrell had played down hopes of an agreement over objections from Austria and Hungary.

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More News On The EU Agreeing To Deploy Warships To Enforce The Libyan Arms Embargo

Libya conflict: EU agrees new patrols to stop arms flow -- BBC
UN welcomes help in enforcing Libya arms embargo -- France 24
EU to Deploy Warships Off Libya in First Sign of Military Muscle -- Bloomberg
EU agrees on new mission to enforce Libya arms embargo -- Middle East Monitor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Obama had been president still Miss Macron, Herr Merkel, & Giuseppe Conte would have pleaded, begged and cajoled Obama to join the effort and then to lead the effort. It would have led to an increase operating tempo with a concurrent rise in supplemental appropriations and cuts elsewhere in R&D & procurement.

Any bombing of Libya by the US would be called Smart Power by Obama and R2P by Sam Power.