Wednesday, February 12, 2020

China's Hubei Province Reports A Shocking 242 New Coronavirus Deaths And 14,840 New Cases

Daily Mail: Coronavirus deaths leap 242 in a single day - the biggest rise ever - as total cases soar past 60,000 after China changes the way it diagnoses sufferers

* Hubei Health Commission announced 242 new recorded deaths in a single day
* Also found 15,000 more people have been infected than previously thought
* It came as the commission began including 'clinically diagnosed' cases
* Newly found figure accounts for more than half of the total fatalities

Coronavirus deaths have leapt 242 in a single day - the biggest rise ever - as the total cases of infection soar past 60,000.

There were 242 deaths on Thursday alone in Hubei province and authorities also found that even more people than they thought were infected.

After changing the way they record the virus, the Hubei Health Commission found there were 15,000 more than they thought. That means the figure shot up from 45,000 to 60,000 in the world in a single day.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: These numbers are shocking. And so much for the media narrative earlier on Wednesday that the epidemic was levelling off. Bottom line .... China has lost control of this epidemic, and I cannot help but feel that we are on the verge of a pandemic that the world has not seen in over a century.

More News On China's Hubei Province Reporting 242 New Coronavirus Deaths And 14,840 New Cases

Coronavirus latest updates: Hubei's leader sacked as deaths in China pass 1,300 – live news -- The Guardian
Coronavirus live updates: China’s Hubei reports 14,840 new cases, 242 additional deaths -- CNBC
China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates -- Al Jazeera
Coronavirus death toll leaps in China's Hubei province, party bosses sacked -- Reuters
Huge spike in China's coronavirus death toll as authorities fear infections were under-counted -- France 24
Coronavirus: Sharp increase in deaths and cases in Hubei -- BBC
China's Hubei province reports 242 new coronavirus deaths and 14,840 new cases -- ABC News Online
Coronavirus infections skyrocket as China refines diagnostic methods -- DW
Coronavirus deaths in China top 1,300 with big jump in cases as country expands diagnosis -- CNN
China officials fired as coronovirus deaths surge past 1,300 -- Al Jazeera
China Reports Huge Jump In New Coronavirus Infections And Deaths; Oil, Stocks Tumble -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

This blog and it's readers have exhausted the language dumping on public and environmental health elites, academics, and scientists. The thin remaining ranks, overstretched and underfunded, may just may save you and your readership from this virus.

The new finding that amazes you is no surprise to them.

You owe these people, around the world, a big apology.

Anonymous said...

The way I read this article is that the Chinese changed definitions, looked back to the start of the disease, and added the new numbers in. The are NOT all new cases on one day. The increase could easily be peanut buttered over the bell shaped curve that shows overall decline. The curve may get taller, but the downward trend may be just as real. Fear sells newspapers, not good statistical analysis.

Antitroll said...

Basically lied is what I believe

Bob Huntley said...

Lying is what governments do.

Anonymous said...

You are projecting again Bob.

Anonymous said...

What 7:26 AM said.

Antitroll & Bob would not know an inflection point, if it hit them on the face.

Anonymous said...

Yes. I'm still of the opinion that this genetic pool specific disease problem aggravated by China's overall medical system deficiency.
China made great strides forward in building, roads, and just stuff in general economic sense, but they neglected their overall medical system.

Anonymous said...

stop dumping on Bob
why did Spanish Flu get called that? Because US and other nations censorded news about this pandemic and only Spain was forthright
in sum: Bob is right and you are dummies

Anonymous said...

What is censorded news?

"because US and other nations censorded news about this pandemic and only Spain was forthright"

Who was in power in 1918. Right, that sorry excuse for a human being called Woodrow 'Wilsin' (D), a college prof cum president.

Do Minute Men and Creel ring a bell?

PS Racist Southerner and Democrat in good standing Woodrow 'Wilsin' screen Birth of a Nation in the White House. Thins did not get any better with LBJ, Clinton or Obama.

Anonymous said...

Oh oh, squirrel's in huff! Things just aren't going that well are they squirrel?

G said...


fred said...

China reports spike in coronavirus infections. Some cases remain buried

Anonymous said...

"And yes the nation once again was not forthcoming with what was taking place."

No Woodrow Wilson (D) was quite forthcoming in his white washing the federal bureaucracy, screening "The Birth of a Nation" in the White House, his "Minute Men" and his propaganda minister Creel.

I know of white people that changed their ethnicity, because Woodrow Wilson created so much hate.

Wilson and Obama are kindred spirits. They have the same moves.

PS: Goebbels learned everything he knew while sitting on Creel's knee as child.

Anonymous said...

I thought that was you Fred, but I wasn't totally sure. Some of the tells were the improper punctuation, run on sentences, and other grammatical problems.

Also you lack of knowledge showed through like a shining beacon. Where to start? You have all that money and never visited China? Or how about you abysmal lack of knowledge of the dismal science?

Anonymous said...

"Your" not "you"

Anonymous said...

Squirrel in big huff!

Anonymous said...

Do you think Phive Letter Phred, who has class and does not cuss, will come back with witty repartee on this discussion thread?