Wednesday, February 12, 2020

US Senate Debating To Restrict President Trump's Iran War Powers

Daily Mail: Republican senators IGNORE Donald Trump and vote to debate hobbling his war powers against Iran with eight of his party joining Democratic move he slammed as 'showing weakness'

* President Donald Trump pleaded with the Senate not to pass a war powers resolution that would hamper his ability to take military action in Iran
* 'We are doing very well with Iran and this is not the time to show weakness,' Trump wrote on Twitter. 'Don't let it happen!'
* 'If my hands were tied, Iran would have a field day,' the president wrote
* A bipartisan group of senators ignored his plea and advanced the measure
* Eight Republicans voted for it in the procedural vote, a sign it will pass when it comes to a final vote, likely on Thursday
* The resolution would require Trump to end all hostilities regarding Iran within 30 days unless he gets explicit approval from Congress

A bipartisan group of senators on Wednesday ignored a plea from President Donald Trump and voted to advance a war powers resolution that would hamper his ability to take military action in Iran.

Trump implored lawmakers not to pass the measure at is would 'show weaKness' and let Iran 'have a field day.'

'Don't let it happen!,' the president wrote on Twitter.

The Senate, however, voted to move the resolution forward with a final vote expected on Thursday.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is going to be vetoed by the President. My main concern is that Iran will see this vote as a sign that there is strong opposition within the U.S. to President Trump's Iran policy. I can easily see the mullahs being embolden to continue their policy of confronting the U.S. and their Middle Eastern allies. They may even escalate it.

More News On The US Senate Debating To Restrict President Trump's Iran War Powers

Senate to rein in Trump's war powers after Iran strike -- Politico
Senate poised to pass resolution to curb Trump's war authority on Iran -- ABC News
U.S. Senate advances resolution limiting Trump's ability to wage war -- Reuters
US Senate debates restricting Trump's Iran war powers -- France 24
Senate debates Iran War Powers resolution ahead of expected vote -- CNN
Trump urges Senate to reject effort to reel in his Iran war powers -- The Hill
Senate votes to limit Trump’s war powers against Iran -- NYPost
Senate poised to pass bill curbing Trump's war powers with Iran after Soleimani strike, but a veto is likely -- USA Today


Anonymous said...

I hope President Grandpa doesn't start a war because he soiled his diapers. Somebody should take away his phone.

Anonymous said...

Trump is not the boy king Obama. Unlike Obungles, Trump has not started a war.

Obungles started Libya and Syria.

Anonymous said...

"Iran Is Committing Suicide by Dehydration"

The Islamic Republic’s corruption is draining the country of its most precious resource: water.

If the Mullahs do not buffalo a bunch of twerps like Di-Fi, Chuck U. Schumer, or "Fighter Pilot" Blumenthal, they are toast.

Anonymous said...

Water scarcity in Iran threatens not just its agricultural self-sufficiency but may also strain its energy exports in the long term, two sectors it hopes to rely on to weather new economic sanctions.

Anonymous said...

Iran's thirsty energy industry runs up against water shortage

Anonymous said...

water shortage - Tehran Times

Anonymous said...

Iran's Water Crisis

We investigate the race to save Iran's water, before water scarcity dries out entire cities and displaces millions.

Al Jazeera

Anonymous said...

Trump is off the wall and capable of doing anything. Even his GOP elected officials want a brake on that buffoon

Bob Huntley said...

‘No one is safe’ if Trump can use DOJ to ‘prosecute’ his enemies and reward his ‘inner circle’.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bob is posting outrageous things he knows to not be true to get a rise.

He would say them for other reasons as well.

So what is refutation of Little Bobbie's assertions? The Flynn and Roger Stone prosecutions.

Bob is a fuck that does not disappoint.

Anonymous said...

I dealt with the issues

Bob mendaciously asserted

‘No one is safe’ if Trump can use DOJ to ‘prosecute’ his enemies and reward his ‘inner circle’.

I gave a counter examples.

"So what is refutation of Little Bobbie's assertions? The Flynn and Roger Stone prosecutions."

So what did the prof do? Talk about DNA and the orange baboon.

Bob made a risible comment that was untrue on the face of it and you wagged not one finger at him. That makes you as dishonest as Bob. Birds of a feather, flock together.

Anonymous said...

But Squirrel you set such a wonderful example, it's impossible not to follow it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Corona virus is going to go through both coasts like a superheated steam enema.