Monday, February 17, 2020

Is The U.S. Facing A Bernie Sanders v Donald Trump Presidential Election?

Anthony Zurcher, BBC: US election 2020: Could it be Bernie Sanders v Donald Trump?

Bernie Sanders is firmly the front-runner in the race to become the Democratic challenger to Republican President Donald Trump, fresh from a victory this week in the second state-by-state contest. His support is fervent but is his party, let alone the country, ready to embrace such an unusual candidate?

Bernie Sanders likes to call his presidential campaign a revolution, but these days it feels more like a touring rock concert.

The Vermont senator may seem like an unlikely front-man for bands like Vampire Weekend and The Strokes, but both have served as his warm-up acts, playing at recent campaign rallies.

But the thousands of fans in packed arenas reserve their loudest cheers for the scruffy-haired 78-year-old candidate with a clipped Brooklyn accent.

After nearly a year-long marathon of rallies, meetings, debates and ground-laying, the Sanders campaign is now entering a sprint of near-nonstop activity that will carry it through dozens of states across the country - an impressive test of endurance for a man who just months ago was hospitalised for a heart attack.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Too early to say that it will be a Bernie Sanders v Donald Trump Presidential election.

Update: I agree .... Bernie Is the Opponent Trump Wants (Slate).


RussInSoCal said...

The stupid part is the Dem leadership KNOWS where they are heading, but they are still going through the motions anyway.

/damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Anonymous said...

The DONALD is the leader we need.

"TRIGGERED! Donald Trump Saves the Planet, Leads World in Lowering CO2 Emissions"

Liberals say they want lower CO2 and THE DONALD DELIVERED!

Anonymous said...

He later wrote about masturbation and rape for left-wing rags for $50 a story. The Socialist then wormed his way into politics.

Maybe an entreprenuer can re-serialize Bernies greatest hits along with their daily splaying of free pics of 6 or 7 white chicks.

Bernie BTW is the prototypical liberal with his out of wedlock child.

Anonymous said...

Topless animal rights protester confronts Bernie Sanders at Nevada campaign rally and demands he drop his support for dairy farmers

Maybe the Democrats would feel more comfortable holding their rallies in a topless bar?

They could draw larger crowds and Bernie could sport a speedo.

Anonymous said...

The Branch Bernidians

- Isamist Rasha Mubarak
- Linda Sarsour
- Grayson Lanza

What next?

Anonymous said...

“If You Show Up with Cancer and You’re 95 – We Should Say We Can’t Do Anything” – Bloomberg Explains How Healthcare will Bankrupt Us Unless We Deny Care to Elderly

And Democruds are still suffering from the same disease. Static Analysis.

Static Analysis is why Dims don't get why tax cuts work. That is when the few Dims, who know how to analyze anything try at all.

Bob Huntley said...

The DNC is likely hoping against hope that Biden will recover otherwise they will have to do something really obvious to get Bernie to drop out..... again.

Although, having Bernie as President would be something like having Obama as President and they were okay with that. But even so, Sanders would be as ineffectual as President as was Obama unless he was able to harness his support and pressure the rest of Congress accordingly. Obama simply abandoned his support.

Anonymous said...

Obama abandoned his college thesis. It has not seen the light of day.

That puts Obama in bad company with Bob Huntley, who also abandoned his history.

Anonymous said...

Smugglers are reportedly helping migrants scale sections of Donald Trump’s multi-billion border wall using $5 ladders.

US Border Patrol has seen a rise in camouflage “hook-and-ladders” within the far south-west region of Texas since May last year, according to The El Paso Times.

El Paso’s urban stretch of border is said to be littered with the ladders, which are engineered out of rebar and match the rust brown colours of the wall.


“Somebody is making money off those ladders,” agent Joe Romero told the newspaper. “The agents pulled it off the wall and cut it up so it can’t be used again.”

The redbar ladders began appearing in large numbers once construction of a replacement wall in El Paso was finished last May. According to Border Patrol, illegal crossings have increased ever since.

“We’re starting to see a lot of evading activity,” said Agent Ramiro Cordero. “We’re starting to see the criminal organisations working hand-to-hand on either side to avoid detection. More and more we are seeing ‘failure to yields’ — they are utilising ladders to go over the fence and diversionary tactics.”

Border Patrol apprehensions of single adults — those most likely to use the ladder method — have nearly doubled in the El Paso sector.

Bob Huntley said...

Regarding the wall there is nothing man can create that other men can't hack given the motivation.

Anonymous said...

I posted that snark about gossip. Gossip is useful, we learn from social science...but girls, in fact, do gossip more than men...

Anonymous said...

"Regarding the wall there is nothing man can create that other men can't hack given the motivation."

As said before

Working Definition: Shit Remark

Usually anything Bob Huntley posts.

there is nothing man can create (Like antivirus or other software) that other men can't hack (with malware) given the motivation.

Bob's (idjit) mortal of the story that he is trying to teach other is that why bother with any defense whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

From Parrot's lips to social scientists' ears.