Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Kurdish Leader: ISIS Now 20,000 Fighters In IRaq And Syria

ISIS has 20,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria, double the number it had when it started capturing territory across the region in 2014, a Kurdish leader has warned (file image)

Daily Mail: ISIS has DOUBLE the number of soldiers across Iraq and Syria than it did when it swept through the region in 2014, Kurdish leader warns

* Trump has proclaimed 'victory' over ISIS, wants to withdraw from Middle East
* But Kurdish leader Masrour Barzani warns the group is rallying for a comeback
* Terrorists have 20,000 fighters, he claims, double the number they had when they began capturing territory in Syria and Iraq in 2014
* Terror group is also thought to have a war chest of $300m to wage attacks with

ISIS has double the number of soldiers it had when it began capturing territory in Iraq and Syria in 2014 and is poised for a comeback, a Kurdish leader has warned.

Masrour Barzani, prime minister of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, issued the stark warning amid moves by President Trump to withdraw US troops from the region after years of fighting.

While ISIS has lost all of its territory and much of its leadership, Barzani believes the terror group still has 20,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria and is trying to recruit more.

Read more ....

Update: ISIS is Poised for a Comeback as it Doubled its Troop Number (Albawaba)

WNU Editor: I am sure there are many in the region that support ISIS. But 20,000 ISIS soldiers?!?!?! I have some doubts.

Update #2: A sobering analysis on ISIS .... The Inconvenient Truth About ISIS (Mike Giglio and Kathy Gilsinan, The Atlantic)


Anonymous said...

Wnu I think it could be easily 20,000.. when their territory collapsed the fighters of course fled, his among the population and on and on. Imagine 200 cities.. there's more cities if iraq of course but let's say each has a small fraction, say 50 isis fighters. .that's 10,000 right there. Then those who fled to the mountains and neighbouring countries. Tens of thousands again. Some killed some captured but some were freed too from prisons etc
My guess is they - as always - are alive and well and as long as the ideology exists people will follow it. There's always 0.5-1% of crazies out there. With 9bn people that's millions and millions of crazies. We're just lucky that some of them follow non violent sects like scientology or partially violent sects like Antifa/far left "Democrats"/libtards

Anonymous said...

ISIS is the gift that Assad & Maliki gave to the world.

Caecus said...

Actually it was the US destruction of Iraq and it's attempt to overthrow Assad that led to this jihadist problem in both countriee

Anonymous said...

ISIS sprang from Al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda was growing long before the US entered Iraq (in Iraq and elsewhere) in 2003.

Sunni discontent with minority Alawite rule in Syria reached a boiling point well before the 2000s. Or do you forget that the elder Assad ;leveled a town with artillery during a Muslim Brotherhood uprising in over 40 years ago.

Anonymous said...

ISIS held ground against the Iraqi and Syrian armies just fine.

It was the other militaries they could not hold ground against.

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