Sunday, February 16, 2020

President Trump Air Force One Flyover Daytona 500 (Video)

WNU Editor: President Trump and the First Lady taking a lap around Daytona International Speedway in the presidential limo, "The Beast". (see below)


RussInSoCal said...

Watched it live on teevee. Pretty cool! Turns out is was the highlight of the afternoon because the race got rained out before it started. Which was a bummer.

So now we have a two-day Daytona 500.

/NASCAR, Indy and F1 are my weekend saviors when there's no football.

Anonymous said...

I don’t watch much news, but the level of gush over Trump by Fox is nauseating. I guess it’s an offset to the vitriol from the other news orgs, but come on.