Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Turkey Enraged That The U.S. Wants To Give $200 Million To The Syrian-Kurdish Led SDF Next Year

A patrol of US military vehicles is seen near the flying yellow flags of the terrorist YPG-dominated SDF and green flags of its constituent YPJ in the town of Tal Tamr in the northeastern Syrian Hasakah province along the border with Turkey on Feb. 8, 2020. (AFP Photo)

Daily Sabah: Pentagon budget proposes whopping $200M funding to YPG/PKK terrorists in Syria

The $740.5 billion Pentagon budget proposed by the U.S. government will continue to provide funding for YPG/PKK terrorists in Syria but it will slash it by a third compared with the previous year, while it includes more funding for nuclear weapons, research and development spending.

The Trump administration's proposal will slash funding for the YPG/PKK-dominated SDF to $200 million from $300 million in 2020.

The SDF is an umbrella organization predominantly led by the terrorist PKK's Syrian wing YPG.

The proposed budget cuts funding for other combat operations abroad, including Iraq and Afghanistan.

American support for the YPG, under the name of the SDF, has long vexed Ankara. Turkey considers the YPG to be the Syrian offshoot of the PKK terrorist organization, which has waged a more than 30-year brutal war against the Turkish state.

Washington views the SDF as a "reliable partner" in its fight against Daesh and continues to provide it with arms and equipment in the face of strong objections by Turkey.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This $200 million fund is down from the $300 million that the SDF is receiving this year. What is also annoying the Turks is the U.S decision to end this intelligence operation with Turkey .... Exclusive: U.S. halts secretive drone program with Turkey over Syria incursion (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers." - Erdogan

Erdogan is no friends of non-Muslims. He is also not a friend of most Muslims. He needs to retire to some place warm like Kerguelen.

Caecus said...

They're not really Surian, and they're not democratic either.The name was made up to cover up US support for what are marxist militias with links to terrorist groups.

Anonymous said...


The YPG or PKK terrorist? Who do they terrorize? The Turks, who give them all then right the Chinese give the Uighurs?

Communism is not necessarily bad. It is how the adherents practice it. We have real communists in the US. I'm talking about the real ones not the ones that wear it on their sleeves. Personally, I am of the opinion that communism does not work with groups over 150 people for any length of time.

Is the YPG terrorists that will fly across the world and shoot up an airport for the PLO or cooperate with the Bader Meinhoff gang? Are they in Venezuela or in bed with the Zetas?

Bob Huntley said...

In the minds of fools "terrorists" are often those that are not "us" when in fact the "us" fools are often true terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Truth & Bob mix like oil and water.

Bob makes assertions and almost never tries to back them up. When he does try, he promptly gets routed, and then rinses and repeats. What a cuck.

Bob will try to convince you that 911 was the US's fault, if you let him sit on your shoulder and whisper into your ear.