Wednesday, February 5, 2020

U.S. Senate Acquits President Trump On The Two Articles Of Impeachment Against Him

Daily Mail: Trump celebrates double acquittal with cocky meme, despite Mitt Romney denying President bragging rights for perfect GOP support after crossing party lines at the 11th hour

* Donald Trump was acquitted on the two articles of impeachment against him
* That outcome was expected in the Republican-controlled Senate
* Still the vote brings the four-month long impeachment process to an end
* Trump responded to impeachment vote by tweeting a 'Trump 4Eva' video
* He also said he would make a statement on Thursday at noon at White House
* There were some surprises leading up to final vote
* Mitt Romney voted to convict Trump on abuse of power charge
* He voted to acquit on obstruction of Congress charge
* He was the only Republican to break ranks
* All Democrats held the line
* Democratic Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Doug Jones of Alabama were being watched to see how they voted
* All three announced Wednesday they would vote to convict

Donald Trump was acquitted on the two articles of impeachment against him on Wednesday, bringing a four-month fractious trial and inquiry to a close.

The final outcome was an almost certainty in the Republican-controlled Senate where it would have taken a two-thirds majority to remove him from office.

The president took to Twitter to respond, re-upping a video from June of last year that showed Trump winning election after election, ending up as president forever. The final slide in it reads: '‘Trump4Eva.'

He also said he'd make a statement from the White House on Thursday.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The result was never in doubt. But if the polls are to believed (see Gallup) this is a huge win for President Trump and the Republican Party, and a political disaster for the Democrats.

More News On The U.S. Senate Acquitting President Trump On The Two Articles Of Impeachment Against Him

Senate votes to acquit Trump on articles of impeachment -- The Hill
Not guilty: Senate acquits Trump of impeachment charges -- AP
Senate acquits Trump in historic vote as re-election campaign looms -- Reuters
US Senate votes to acquit Trump on both charges in impeachment trial -- France 24
Trump acquitted by Senate in impeachment trial -- BBC
Donald Trump acquitted on both articles in Senate impeachment trial -- The Guardian
US Senate votes to acquit Trump on impeachment charges -- DW
Trump triumphant as US Senate acquits him of all impeachment charges -- SCMP/AFP
Donald Trump acquitted of both charges against him in Senate impeachment trial -- ABC News Online
Trump acquitted of all charges in Senate impeachment trial -- Al Jazeera
'I do believe he should be removed from office.' Mitt Romney to break with Republican Party and vote to convict Donald Trump on abuse of power charge -- Daily Mail
Mitch McConnell presents Chief Justice John Roberts with a 'golden gavel' after Donald Trump is acquitted on impeachment charges for presiding over Senate trial -- Daily Mail
Impeachment takeaways: Trump’s iron grip, McConnell delivers -- AP


Bob Huntley said...

Trump is providing America's supremacist organizations with their Hitler moment where a charismatic leader, bereft of ethics, or, morality, has been able to avoid justice and on usurping the reins of power is channeling the people’s darkest instincts down a very dark path.

America has been taken down a few pegs without firing a shot.

It looks like Trump’s acquittal has nothing to do with the truth and everything to do with the self-interest of the President and the Republican Senators.

Will he be re-elected? Very likely given the upheaval in the opposing party. Then watch out as history repeats itself.

Anonymous said...

Who’s suing the Trump administration A guide to the cases still to be heard, and who’s won and lost so far

Anonymous said...

Above poster reveals himself or herself to be

1.) Pro-ILLEGAL Immigration
2.) ANTI-Religious
3.) Anti-2nd Amendment
4.) A shallow thinker (Scratching the surface would be a great achievement for them).

Anonymous said...

"Trump is providing America's supremacist organizations with their Hitler moment ..."

Bob is so full of shit, he could lose 20 stone worth of weight if he defecated.

Hitler moment?

He has Jewish grand children.

Myself I have biracial family. I have seen the Democrats be very much against my race and ethnicity. I have not seen Trump be against minorities. I look for such things.

The person going down a very dark path is Bob. He/She is so stuck in his/her ways that he/she will stuck in that path for the rest of its life.