Saturday, March 21, 2020

Chinese Media Is Calling For Electromagnetic And Laser Attacks On U.S. Warships Transiting The South China Sea

The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill are among warships at risk of electromagnetic attacks while transiting the South China Sea. (U.S. Navy)

Washington Times: China threatens electronic strikes on Navy

China has called for using electromagnetic attacks on U.S. warships transiting the South China Sea, according to a state-run Chinese outlet.

The Communist Party-affiliated organ Global Times, quoting a military expert, said the use of nonlethal electromagnetic and laser weapons should be used by the People’s Liberation Army to expel American warships from the disputed sea.

The report followed China’s potentially dangerous use of a laser against a Navy P-8A maritime patrol aircraft near Guam last month, and an earlier lasing two years ago of C-130 aircraft near China’s military base in Djibouti on the coast of Africa.

The article was published Tuesday, the same day the Pacific Fleet announced on Twitter that the aircraft carrier strike group led by the USS Theodore Roosevelt, and the USS America, an amphibious assault carrier and leader of an expeditionary strike group, were conducting exercises in the South China Sea.

The training exercise for both strike groups included flight maneuvers, air defense tests and surface-support mission exercises, the fleet said in a report on the exercises. At one point, Marines carried out a simulated visit, board, search and seizure exercise on the guided missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill, according to the report.

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WNU Editor: The world's focus is on the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic, and justifiably so. But within China itself Beijing's anti-American sentiment is building up .... from accusing the U.S. Army for starting the coronavirus pandemic, to now advocating attacks on US warships in the South China Sea. In normal times I would ignore this anti-U.S. message. But these are not normal times.


RussInSoCal said...

Note to China. There is massive anti-Chinese sentiment in the US. And you have lost your geopolitical leverage.

G said...

Start a big war why don't you fools

Anonymous said...

I would nuke them. Of course this causes fights. My point is I make note of where immediate family resides not more distant relatives.

They have an obligation to throw the rascals out of office. Of course no one wants to be the 1st to step forward, because many would die in the attempt.

G said...

You never loved God enough

Dave said...

Excellent opportunity for China to invade Taiwan or "repatriate" Hong Kong as China emerges from the Wuhan Flu while NATO and the US is compromised.

Anonymous said...

True, however, the US forces need to set the deterrent right now, laser or electromagnetic attacks on its forces are met with kinetic attacks in return.
Anything else will see US deterrent eradicated.

There needs to be consequences to China's actions.

Anonymous said...

Our leaders in all fields are at risk. The last thing they want is more instability. Saber rattling.

Anonymous said...

The only fire we will share with the Chinese is crematoria.

Jac said...

This is for domestic consumption only. A nuclear core is necessary for an EMP. And even it will not kill anybody it will be, still, a blatant act of war. Does any American accept a nuclear attack on them?
The big risk of this stupidity is to bring an EMP on China mainland with the excuse of "that kill nobody". Game over.