Thursday, March 12, 2020

For The First Time In 60 Years Iran Is Seeking $5 Billion In Financial Aid From The IMF

Coronavirus Surge Sends Iran to IMF for First Time in 60 Years

Bloomberg: Coronavirus Surge Sends Iran to IMF for First Time in 60 Years

Iran is seeking financial aid from the International Monetary Fund for the first time since the 1960s as it tries to fight a major outbreak of the coronavirus.

Abdolnaser Hemmati, the head of the Central Bank of Iran, said in an Instagram post that he requested approximately $5 billion from the body’s Rapid Financing Instrument. The fund has said it would make $50 billion available to help member countries deal with the epidemic.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called on the Washington-based body to allow the Islamic Republic to access the facility “immediately” and “stand on the right side of history & act responsibly,” according to a tweet. Iran is the third-worst hit country after China and Italy, with 429 people dead.

Iran’s still awaiting a formal response from the IMF, Hemmati said in a brief statement to reporters shown on Iranian state TV. The IMF confirmed it had received inquiries and requests from countries including Iran.

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WNU Editor: Should the IMF give $5 billion to Iran even though it has spent billions on its nuclear enrichment program, has a brutal history of repression, and provided/providing military aid to its allies and proxies fighting wars throughout the Middle East that includes launching attacks against Western forces. I would so no. The priority for the Iranian leadership has always been about consolidating keeping power, using the security forces to crush dissent, and to wage constant war against it neighbours and the West. Bottom line. This IMF money will not be used to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

Update: The Iranian leadership continue to get sick .... Iran's vice president and two ministers stricken by coronavirus (Al Jazeera).

More News On Iran Seeking $5 Billion In Financial Aid From The IMF

Iran asks IMF for $5bn emergency funding to fight coronavirus -- Al Jazeera
Iran seeks $5bn emergency funding as 10,000 coronavirus cases detected -- Middle East Monitor
Coronavirus: Iran requests $5bn IMF loan to fight disease, as cases reach 10,075 -- Middle East Eye


Anonymous said...

Let China bail them out.

Hasn't China lent out recently more than the IMF anyway? Plus, they released this outbreak on the world, from the level 4 centre in Wuhan. Jury is still out on either accidentally or possibly on purpose...

Anonymous said...

Give them medicine and health assistance. The money. .uhh no. .we all lack money and the risk is too great. Just a couple days ago they shout death to xyz and it's not acceptable. They need to learn this lesson. But we are all brothers and should help. Send medicine and assistance

H.O.S.T. 7734 said...

If the IMF gives them that much money then they are all drunk and have forgotten what Iran would most assuredly do with that money.