Saturday, March 21, 2020

Growing Pressure For President Trump To Declare A Complete Shutdown Of The U.S. For Two To Four Weeks

Reid Wilson, The Hill: Could Trump declare national coronavirus shutdown? Momentum is rising

Momentum appears to be building for a national shutdown to confront the coronavirus crisis, raising the prospect that President Trump could issue an order requiring people to stay at home.

Such an order would be unprecedented in American history, but some of Trump's top advisers have said publicly they would be open to it. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Sunday he had raised the prospect of such a dramatic step with the administration.

“I think we should really be overly aggressive and get criticized for overreacting,” Fauci said Sunday on NBC's "Meet The Press." “I think Americans should be prepared that they're going to have to hunker down significantly more than we as a country are doing.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This would be tantamount to declaring martial law, and I pray that such a declaration is not made. In the end it will all come down to what the medical experts will say need to be done, and if the consensus is to shut everything down, I am sure President Trump will sign onto it. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has already said that this prospect is being discussed. My prediction. If there is no "levelling of the curve" by next week or sooner, the U.S. will follow other European states to declare a shutdown. For my readers in Canada, I have a good source in Ottawa who is telling me the same thing. That while Canada may be a week or two behind the U.S. and Europe in the spread of this pandemic, if there is no progress a shutdown will happen at the end of this month or the beginning of April.


Anonymous said...

U.S. officials familiar with spy agency reporting told the Post the intelligence community issued warnings that China, where the new virus originated, was minimizing its own outbreak earlier in the year and that the U.S. could be facing a crisis. "Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," one official said. "The system was blinking red."

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar reportedly couldn't get Trump to speak with him about the virus until mid-January, two weeks after officials were alerted about its spread in China. Even then, Trump was reportedly more interested in when flavored vaping products were going to return to the market.

In late January, Joe Grogan, the head of the White House Domestic Policy Council, argued the virus could cost Trump re-election, while Deputy National Security Adviser Matthew Pottinger began calling for a more forceful response in early February. But despite all that, Trump maintained his belief the threat would dissipate before it became serious in the U.S. Read more at The Washington Post. Tim O'Donnell

Anonymous said...

According to Politico, some members of the Trump administration are angry that there is no coordinated policy to protect government workers during a time of crisis — with some agencies responding quickly to cases in their workforces, and others withholding the information.

“The federal agency that serves as an international multimedia broadcaster for the U.S. informed all employees of its first known coronavirus case about an hour after it knew,” wrote Nolan McCaskill. “But the agency responsible for regulating civil aviation in the U.S. didn’t immediately tell technical operations employees about a positive test result at a Las Vegas airport, allowing them to continue working in a potentially infected area. Those employees, including technicians who had just completed their shifts, found out after a tower was evacuated.”

“If the Trump administration has a unified policy on how it is handling the grim march of the virus within its own ranks, it isn’t sharing it,” continued the report. “Just as cities and states across the country have developed their own responses to the outbreak — from closing schools, bars, restaurants, movie theaters and a mix of other venues to encouraging curfews and issuing shelter-in-place orders — agencies across the federal government are crafting their own policies on how to disclose cases of coronavirus. The result is a confusing jumble of messages that has angered federal workers and those who represent them.”

The problem, noted McCaskill, is compounded by the unique exposure of workers in certain agencies. “State has more than 75,000 employees, with more than 9,000 Foreign Service and Civil Service officers scattered overseas. DHS employs more than 240,000 workers, many of whom interact with people daily for work, such as employees with Customs and Border Protection and the Transportation Security Administration. And the Department of Defense has roughly 26,000 employees inside its Pentagon headquarters in Virginia, but employs nearly 3 million service members and civilians worldwide, with a presence in more than 160 countries and nearly 5,000 defense sites.”

Workers are outraged about this inability to coordinate, and fear it will make everything worse.

RussInSoCal said...

Not a chance. That is panic defined and a descent into dictatorship. Everyone I know is fed up with the "stay at home orders" as they stand. And a growing suspicion of the motives behind them.

There is no need to shut down the entire country. Unless the aim is to outright destroy the nation. Way too many drastic measures taken with no data supporting the action. The virus is most concentrated in urban areas. Lock down the urban centers and leave the the rest of us alone.

/note to the Trump-bashing jeering section on this board: Keep up the hate and vitriol. You'll be the first ones to find yourself in a civil upheaval. Especially if you live in a deep blue urban shithole.

Amp1776 said...

Imagine if president Trump would have suggested this himself. OMG! fascists flipping cars in the streets.

Anonymous said...

Parrot is at a permanent full scream now. That is how he will end its days. Screaming and having dinner shoved under the door.

Anonymous said...


Not so...
NY state asked for this and now many others
It would make a difference and trump is not a leader!

Anonymous said...

5 states shut down. All blue states run by blue governors.

Working from home. No biggie. Saving gas money and wear and tear on the car.

Anonymous said...

From: Mills, Cheryl D

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6:21 PM

To: H

Subject: FW: Today's performance From your doctor admirer

From: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID)


Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6:10 PM

To: Mills, Cheryl D

Subject: Today's performance

Cheryl: Anyone who had any doubts about the Secretary's stamina and capability following her illness had those doubts washed away by today's performance before the Senate and the House. She faced extremely difficult circumstances at the Hearings and still she hit it right out of the park.

Please tell her that we all love her and are very proud to know her.

Warm regards,


Anthony S. Fauci, MD Director National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Building 31, Room 7A-03 31 Center Drive,

MSC 2520 National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD 20892-2520

Phone: E-mail:

copley7 said...

As of today 2020 GMT:
Coronavirus Cases:

Death rate percentage: .0119%

Basically it is the flu death rate. So we are destroying the country to save people, mainly 70 and over, who won't listen and stay inside. They are counting people dieing in HOSPICE!!! Isn't HOSPICE where you go when the end is nigh and you can't do anything about it. This crazy what they are doing. I give it 2 weeks, and the people , better armed than the NG and cops, will have had enough.

Anonymous said...

Copley7 is right although they made a very minor mistake.

The percentage is 1.119% or ~ 1.1%.

The percentage will go down as more people get tested.

The argument is sound. It is basically the flu or less and the people dying are hospice care people. Sad, but most of them were what spec ops or people in military triage would call expectant.

When it get south of .5% nd still all elderly, what will the Democrat chicken littles do?

Shampeachment #2 ?

Anonymous said...

When it get south of .5% nd still all elderly, what will the Democrat chicken littles do?


Anonymous said...

Those crumpled papers near President Trump's trash bin? Some might have been US intelligence reports warning about the coronavirus. That's according to a Washington Post report about classified warnings Trump apparently received in January and February and fully ignored as he assured the American people that everything would be OK. "I think it's going to work out fine," he said on Feb. 19. "I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus." But US officials say that by February, most of his daily briefing papers included warnings about the coronavirus, and then-acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney was raising the alarm in regular meetings.

But Trump rebuffed the data, officials say, because he didn't think the virus had spread in America and he believed Chinese President Xi Jingping's claim that the infection was under control. "China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus," Trump tweeted Jan. 24. "The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency." But China has since been criticized for its slow response to the outbreak. As an aside, the Post notes that intelligence reports on the virus also went to members of Congress—including Sens. Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler, and Dianne Feinstein, who sold off millions in stocks before the Wall Street downturn, per USA Today. The Guardian reports that Trump criticized the Post's report Saturday, calling it "a disgrace" and "very inaccurate."

Anonymous said...


March 21, 2020 at 5:41 PM

Come on squirrel, you can spell the word dumb correctly can't you?

Oh well, 18 years of schooling down the drain.

Anonymous said...

Colin Powell: "In my military career I had to shake hands with a LOT of Pigs"

"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus," Trump tweeted Jan. 24. "The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency."

So win Powell does this, it good.

When 'orange man bad' does it, well it is bad.

Learn how foreign diplomacy works Fredo.