Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Stock Market Crash Of 2020 Is Now Worse Than The Great Depression

Zero Hedge: The Crash Of 2020 Is Now Worse Than The Great Depression

Back in December, someone in China made bat soup (at least according to the officially accepted narrative that doesn't get you banned on Facebook, Twitter, etc), and the rest is history: in the next three months, the global equity market has lost $24 trillion in value, more than the $22 trillion in US GDP. And here is a staggering chart from BofA putting the crash of 2020 in its historic context: in the past month, the US stock market has crashed faster than both the Great Depression and Black Monday, and in terms of the total drawdown, the crash of 2020 is now worse than 1929 and is fast approaching 1987.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: And here is the terrifying part of this crash. We have not yet reached the bottom.


RussInSoCal said...

Bad headline. A market drop - even a huge drop - does not define a depression. Or even a recession. A recession requires 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. The US is not yet out of Q1.

And there's a huge difference between this drop and the crash of 1929. This crash is artificial - meaning it was intentionally inflicted in order to reduce the effects of the Chinese coronavirus. The 1929 crash was a result of bad fiscal policy, speculation, market mismanagement and a generally weak economy. Those factors are absent in this market drop. What is also absent is FDR's total incompetence beginning in trying to repair the damage. Massive regulations, market dislocations and of course Government overreach and centralization. Hopefully Trump will resist this push.

We currently have record low energy coasts, near zero interest rates and a massive industrial relocation back to our country.

I'm not ready to submit to doom and gloom. Now end this shut down so we can get back to work.

Anonymous said...

We have a cure, now.

We will have a vaccine soon.

If it is an emergency then Fauci, a known Clinton lover, can sit on his thumb and twirl, while Trump cuts the red tape.

Fauci wants to project a year out for the standard method of approving drugs that takes years and years. His job is not on the line . He wrote his mash note to Hillary already.

Anonymous said...


Bad Headline?

Sometimes the word sleeper crosses my mind.

Anonymous said...

All you guys saying end the shutdown now are arrogant and stupid all at once.

The US is guaranteed to be the worst hit country and hospitals are likely to be overrun in almost every major city you can think of.

Math is hard but at least try it when your lives depend on it.

Anonymous said...

2:50 PM

I know the following things are hard for you.

- Math
- Logic
- Honesty

Flu this year will kill 1 or 2 orders of magnitude more people than corona. But you will double down on trashing the economy, stopping the use of Chloroquine.

We know thdosages that are safe to uses since we have been using it since 1947.


"In Peru the indigenous people extracted the bark of the Cinchona plant[39] trees and used the extract (Chinchona officinalis) to fight chills and fever in the seventeenth century. In 1633 this herbal medicine was introduced in Europe, where it was given the same use and also began to be used against malaria.[40] The quinoline antimalarial drug quinine was isolated from the extract in 1820, and chloroquine is an analogue of this.

Chloroquine was discovered in 1934 by Hans Andersag and coworkers at the Bayer laboratories, who named it "Resochin".[41] It was ignored for a decade because it was considered too toxic for human use. During World War II, United States government-sponsored clinical trials for antimalarial drug development showed unequivocally that chloroquine has a significant therapeutic value as an antimalarial drug. It was introduced into clinical practice in 1947 for the prophylactic treatment of malaria"

Anonymous said...

Math is hard but at least try it when your lives depend on it.

If I am sick enough to use it, I will use Chloroquine. You can crank some equations instead to show how good at math you are. You can show off to all your friends.

Here start with this

Anonymous said...

Fact-Checking 5 Trump Administration Claims On The Coronavirus Pandemic

Anonymous said...

failed leadership!

Donald Trump urges the FDA to 'immediately' approve malaria drug and antibiotic combo to treat coronavirus despite Dr. Fauci's warning that it HASN'T been proven effective yet

Anonymous said...


Trump discussed how it was already being used to fight malaria and has been prescribed for 20 years, there were few downsides to simply trying it

i.e we know safe dosages to use.

Anonymous said...

Fredo posted at 3:09 and 3:14 in typical Fredo style.

Anonymous said...

Didier Raoult, director of a university hospital institute in Marseille, explained that he had conducted a clinical trial in which he treated 25 Covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine.

After six days, he said, only 25 percent of patients who took this drug still had the virus in their body. By contrast, 90 percent of those who had not taken hydroxychloroquine continued to carry the Covid-19.

Do you want a 75% chance of clearing the vituds or a 10% chance.

Are you going with the French #s above or listen to Clinton loving Dr Fauci?

I could see some dastardly troll say it is fake and then turnaround and ask their spouse to get them some

























G said...

Wow we will eventually become slaves to the elite

G said...

You better get the militia going sooner

Anonymous said...

Nigeria is reporting two poisonings from the drug chloroquine, a drug that's been touted as a potential but as-yet unproven treatment for coronavirus, Bloomberg reports.

Reality check: Health officials are warning against self-medicating with the drug, whose safety and effectiveness for coronavirus patients has not been proven.

Anonymous said...

"Solely the dose determines that a thing is not a poison."

"Sola dosis facit venenum"

"Only the dose makes the poison"

In short, yes. Drinking too much water is possible, and although rare, it can be potentially life-threatening. Yet to develop water intoxication – or hyponatremia, as it's known medically – you would have to consume an excessive amount of water in a short amount of time.

chloroqiune in most cases would be given by doctors. Those cases in Nigeria were self medicating people taking bootleg product.

Try again


Try to be honest

Anonymous said...

If you did more than read headlines, you would have learned the chloroquinine was used in Africa, but not as much anymore since malaria is acquiring a resistance.

Still there is bootleg chloroquinine available and what would you expect in a relatively poor country. People going around doctors?

Americans are not the only people that think more is better. The self medicating can save a trip to the hospital if they get the info and cross index their weight, age, sex, and a few other things.

Bootleg fentanyl is all over the US. But how many people who take it check they weight, age, sex etc before taking something of unknown potency handed out by their dealer?

When I had fentanyl all the anesthesiologist wanted was my weight. He already knew my age and sex. Lots of professions want to pretend this or that is rocket science.

Hello this is the age of the internet.

Back in ancient Egypt priest would descend into secret tunnels to measure the rate of rise of the Nile with Nilometers to tell farmers when to plant. Why a secret passage? Because the priests knew that the farmers were smart enough to observe them if they could and learn how to do it for themselves.

"Only priests and rulers, whether pharaohs or later, Roman or Arab leaders, were allowed to monitor the nilometers, and their ability to predict the behavior of the Nile was used to impress the common people. (And to determine how much money would be collected in taxes.) This is why so many nilometers were built in temples, where only priests would be able to access the mysterious instrument. "

So once again STFU Bitch!