Thursday, March 5, 2020

International Criminal Court Approves Afghan War Crimes Probe

DW: International court backs Afghan war crimes probe

Appeal judges at the International Criminal Court have given prosecutors the go-ahead to launch an investigation into alleged war crimes by Taliban, Afghan and US forces.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Thursday authorized an investigation into possible war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Afghanistan. The probe targets US, Afghan and Taliban forces as well as intelligence personnel.

The ruling came only days after the US and the Taliban signed an ambitious peace deal to end conflict in Afghanistan.

The Hague-based international court upheld an appeal by prosecutors against an earlier deision to block an investigation.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. is not going to cooperate .... Pompeo says US will take 'all necessary measures' to bar war crimes probe of military (USA Today). More here .... Pompeo: 'Misinformation' behind international court's probe of US actions in Afghanistan (The Hill).

More News On The International Criminal Court Approving An Afghan War Crimes Probe

Afghan conflict: Top court backs war crimes probe -- BBC
International court approves Afghanistan investigation -- AP
ICC clears way for probe of alleged Afghanistan war crimes -- Reuters
ICC approves investigation into war crimes allegedly committed in Afghanistan -- France 24
ICC authorizes investigations of war crimes in Afghanistan -- UPI
ICC authorises investigation into alleged Afghanistan war crimes -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Easy prediction. ICC staff and judges who engage in the investigation will be put under sanctions and travel bans.

Anonymous said...

IMO ICC judges operate like the Cortez/Cutter deal in the movie "Clear and Present Danger"

'"I will reduce the cocaine shipments to your country by half...regular quotas on major arrests that your police can take credit for...dramatic seizures, drastic reductions, no more senseless violence. You'll have your victory."'

They go after soft civilized targets, who in part or wholly police themselves. They stay away from really violent bad guys. They value their lives.

Have any of the VBIED drivers, planers or leaders, who car bombed a market or hospital been brought to trial?

Have they tried?

Just want to go after one side.

Slobodan Milosevic was an easy target, a one-off. In the 1980s or 2000s, it would not have happened.

An occasional African is thrown into to keep up pretenses.

Anonymous said...

If you see meathead Pompeo, ask him to stand down and perform a citizen's arrest.

Consider him to be dangerous, perhaps armed, and extremely stupid.

Anonymous said...

"If you see meathead Pompeo ..."

And Obama din do nuff'n.

I think dangerous and stupid applies mostly to you Anon 4:59.

Anonymous said...

That means so much coming from you 651.