Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Is The Media Covering For Former Vice-President Biden?

WNU Editor: Running in this campaign has definitely aged the former Vice President. A few months ago he looked OK, even with all of his gaffes. But lately his face has developed a look that you see in the old and the sick, and his speeches are becoming more rife with errors and confusion. My father spent the last seven years of his life in a nursing home, and that experienced exposed me to scores of people experiencing dementia and loss of cognitive abilities. That is why I can say with confidence that the former Vice-President has all the signs of someone who is now experiencing short term memory loss, and his symptoms are going to get worse with time. There is medication out there that can help, but there are limits. So here is an easy prediction. Unless he experiences a medical emergency or a complete collapse in his next debate with Senator Sanders, he will be the Democrat nominee for President. But he is not suited to run a full fledged campaign, so that is why I expect his handlers will now try to minimize his exposure, and to control the narrative and his appearances as much as possible. I would also be surprised if they will agree to more than two debates with President Trump. He has not stand-out in any of the past Democrat primary debates, and I do not expect him to stand-out in any future ones.

Update: Too bad she will not be in the next Democrat debate. The contrast between her and the other candidates would be blinding .... You Didn't Really Think the DNC Would Allow Tulsi Gabbard Into a Debate, Did You? (PJ Media).

Update #2: A record number of Democrats voted on Super Tuesday. There is a lot of anger against President Trump out there. Republicans should not get cocky.


Anonymous said...

Bit weird

My guess is the Russians are taking out Biden (the savior of the US and the World in general) so that Sanders has to become the Democrat nominee

Then we have Socialist vs Capitalist

Trump will lose because Russia

Bernie will then win because of Russia

USA will then become communist hellhole because of..... Russia

- argument logic of Don Lemon @ CNN

Anonymous said...

stay with fox

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:55 is decades behind the current events.

Bob Huntley said...

I imagine the DNC want an aged and failing person such as Biden as President because he will be easy to manage and the control exercised by the wealthy will continue unabated. What will really be interesting is the VP selection by both Biden, or, Sanders as well as the respective cabinet members. All assuming Trump loses of course.

Anonymous said...

Bring on the comparisons to early 80s Brezhnev

Anonymous said...

an aged and failing person?

You should talk to the DNC and put your name in the hat.