Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Joe Biden’s Team Are Already Discussing A List Of Cabinet Picks That Inlcudes Kerry, Rice, Bloomberg, And Warren

Axios: Joe Biden's secret governing plan

This is a new "Axios on HBO" column on the reality behind the curtain of the powerful, by Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen.

Joe Biden confidants are privately discussing potential leaders and Cabinet members for his White House, including the need to name a woman or African American — perhaps both — as vice president, top sources tell "Axios on HBO."

Why it matters: Biden advisers describe a Return to Normal plan — a reversal of President Trump's unorthodox, improvisational style. Biden wants known, trusted people around him — many from the Obama years.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: They are already measuring the drapes in the White House.


RussInSoCal said...

"Ok, coffee break's over, back on your heads!".

Biden would be bad enough as he's incoherent and senile. But the real nightmare is who he would appoint (wittingly or otherwise) into his Admin, Cabinet, and other principle offices. A 'who's who' of every malign incompetent in the 202 area code.

"Weekend at Biden's"

His ineptitude in this regard is a campaign issue in itself. He'll be the first actual Marionette President. One with no control of State whatsoever. A confused figurehead. Allowed out in 7 minute intervals every 10 days or so. Hooked away when he inevitably starts flailing. Biden is a disaster - happening in real time.

I detect the faint sweet stench of Barack Obama in these shenanigans. First the call to obey and fall in line to Klobuchar and Buttigieg right after SC primary. Now the lead balloon floating the names of just about every Obama apparatchik to populate the Biden office. /But can they all keep their CNN contrib fees?

Waiting for Brennan and Klapper to get their call next.

This scurry for power is so flagrant and stupid it almost boggles the mind.



Anonymous said...

"We choose truth over facts" - Joe Bite-ME August 8, 2019

We Can Not Win This Election We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump Uncle Mumbles March 8, 2020

Anonymous said...

Former Vice President Joe Biden may be the Democratic frontrunner once again, but his family scandals are not going away anytime soon.

'James Biden later received a six-figure personal loan from Americore's coffers while encouraging the firm to take on greater financial liabilities.

The cash from the Middle East never arrived, however, and the vice president's brother has not paid back the loan, Pritchard told POLITICO. "It was all smoke and mirrors," Pritchard said.'

"We choose truth over facts" - Joe Bideb August 8, 2019

Anonymous said...

"Last year, two Tennessee medical services companies sued James Biden ..."

Anonymous said...

"Americore Health LLC, one of these entities, referenced $650,000 due to accounts receivable. Pritchard claimed that figure referred to the loan repayment James Biden owes the company."

Anonymous said...

I think these are good picks. They would spend their time trying to drown each other in the swamp they love.

Hans Persson said...

Bernie never had a chance..

Anonymous said...

moan on morons...your guy blew it and you still cling!
the GOP gov of Michigan is endorsing a Democrat!

Anonymous said...

It was two years ago when Trump ordered the shutdown of the White House National Security Council's entire global health security unit. NBC News had a good report on this recently, noting that the president's decision "to downsize the White House national security staff -- and eliminate jobs addressing global pandemics -- is likely to hamper the U.S. government's response to the coronavirus."

It was against this backdrop that a reporter asked Trump late last week about whether he was prepared to "rethink having an Office of Pandemic Preparation in the White House." The president replied:

"I just think this is something, Peter, that you can never really think is going to happen. You know, who -- I've heard all about, 'This could be...' -- you know, 'This could be a big deal,' from before it happened. You know, this -- something like this could happen.... Who would have thought? Look, how long ago is it? Six, seven, eight weeks ago -- who would have thought we would even be having the subject? ... You never really know when something like this is going to strike and what it's going to be."

It's worth emphasizing that this is Trump's second explanation related to his decision to disband his global health security team. "I'm a business person," he explained two weeks ago in response to a similar question. "I don't like having thousands of people around when you don't need them. When we need them, we can get them back very quickly."

RussInSoCal said...

anon 8:27

Pssst - the Gov of Michigan is a Dem. You're confused.

(and MI will likely go GOP this fall)

Bob Huntley said...

I agree with you Hans.

The country has the chance of getting rid of Trump and perhaps reducing the corporate stranglehold.

What will they do? It is appearing that they will vote for the same old status quo represented by Biden, that brought Trump, by not nominating Sanders.

If they could dump Trump and put Sanders in office he would work to improve medical access for all, the environment and make America a better country for the people and their children whereas Biden will not.

Likely however they will show they are too stupid to take advantage of the opportunity and believing the corporate and wealthy controlled media, fail to take this opportunity to improve their lives.

Anonymous said...

"... perhaps reducing the corporate stranglehold." - Hunting for a clue

Where Bob Huntley shows that he is as stupid as a 105 year old senile Leftist.

So we have proof positive that Bob does not understand the definition of the word corporate or capitalism.

Seriously, Bob are so green that you are a compleat moron?

Dude, you have it so bad you belong in an ICU psychiatric institution.

Seek Help!

Bob Huntley said...


You should think a bit more before you respond.

Anonymous said...

LOL they are definitely counting their chickens before they are hatched.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...


You should look up the definition of words before you respond, because they do not mean what you think they mean.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the debates. The dems know they had no chance of beating trump. Hence the impeachment and russia collusion. Now it's up to joe, I still think dems lose. Only time will tell ready for them polls.

Anonymous said...

The failures of leadership at the top, however, show no sign of being corrected. In a serious public-health crisis, the public has the right to expect the government’s chief executive to lead in a number of crucial ways: by prioritizing the problem properly, by deferring to subject-matter experts when appropriate while making key decisions in informed and sensible ways, by providing honest and careful information to the country, by calming fears and setting expectations, and by addressing mistakes and setbacks.

Bob Huntley said...

Anon 2:07

Words? Such as?