Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Picture Of The Day

Empty tables outside a restaurant at Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy, March 7. REUTERS/Jennifer Lorenzini

WNU Editor: The above picture is form this photo-gallery .... Italy under unprecedented coronavirus lockdown (Reuters).

1 comment:

Young Communist said...

All Italy is a Red Zone, sadly "red" for the wrong motivation. My region, Emilia-Romagna is the second for cases of Covid 19, and maybe I am the next. 12 prisoners are died in prison's revolt cause a stupid law that has jailed drug addicted and the psychosis among infected in jail.

Today can go in shop or supermarket in selected numbers, bars and restaurants close at 18.00 (6.00 pm), people can go in park (but distanced), can work, can go outside for professional jobs or caring parents, can make some exams only online. No exit for fun, friends, art, culture, faith or others meanings. Sport negate in gym, but professionals for Olympics can training under control, events without public, travels only for necessities. Two weeks of uncertainty on measures and danger have become lethal for many. Now our healthcare national system, cut year by year by liberist policies in order to push private sanity, is at his limits, and others in EU can't give a help to us.

But China help. After our aid to them, now China government aid Italy. This is "peoples friendship". In a week or two the entire Europe can become a red zone.
And maybe not only because virus.