Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Kremlin: President Trump Will Not Come To Russia For Victory Day Celebrations In May

© REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

TASS: Trump will not come to Russia for Victory Day celebration in May

The Kremlin does not know yet who will represent the US during the celebration events.

MOSCOW, March 10. /TASS/. Moscow has been informed by the US via diplomatic channels that US President Donald Trump will not come to Moscow for the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists.

"We have been informed via diplomatic channels that the [US] president won’t come," Peskov said, adding that Kremlin does not know yet who will represent the US during the celebration events.

The 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War celebration parade will take place in Moscow on May 9, 2020. The invitations to the event have been sent to Donald Trump, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, leaders of CIS member states and Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states.

Leaders of India, Cuba, France, the Czech Republic, Venezuela, Belarus. Armenia and Bulgaria have already confirmed their participation.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The White House has just confirmed this .... White House Confirms Trump Not Coming to Moscow for V-Day (US News and World Report/AP). This is unfortunate. His visit would have boosted U.S. - Russian relations from the Russian side. But everyone is also not surprised that he is a no-show. The Presidential election, the coronavirus crisis, and economic concerns is going to keep President Trump in the U.S..

More News On Reports From Russia That President Trump Will Not Come To Russia For Victory Day Celebrations In May

Kremlin: Trump not Coming to Moscow for Victory Day -- VOA/AP
Kremlin Says Trump Cannot Visit Russia for Victory Day in May -- Moscow Times/Reuters
Kremlin says Trump won't visit Moscow in May -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

Russia is urging violence by white supremacist and black extremist groups with the goal to sow discord in the US, multiple intelligence officials tell the New York Times. The effort to inflame racial tensions is part of a larger bid to influence the presidential election—and, some say, to promote President Trump's reelection. These officials argue Trump could benefit if he's able to paint himself as the law-and-order candidate. One official says federal authorities are investigating the funding of a neo-Nazi group called the Base. Its American founder, identified by the Guardian as Rinaldo Nazzaro, reportedly lives in Russia and is married to a Russian national. Russia is also trying to stoke anger among black Americans with state-funded news organizations pushing stories about allegations of police abuse and racism in the military, per the Times.

Race is also commonly mentioned on Russia-linked social media accounts, which have gotten better at avoiding detection, per Al Jazeera. Russia also tried to inflame racial tensions in the 2016 election, as did the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Anonymous said...

A new government lawsuit filed in January alleges that Ivanka Trump illegally over-billed the non-profit Inauguration Committee to bilk expenses and benefit the Trump family. It doesn’t take an FBI agent with 30 years of experience to see that all that money pouring in, over $114 million for an inauguration committee, a number that vastly exceeded all previous inauguration funding, despite this being a smaller party. Rumors circulated that much of the money originated outside the United States, which operated as a big red light. Apparently that strobing right light proved too difficult to ignore, and the investigations started.

Anonymous said...



House Democrats scored a significant legal victory Tuesday as a federal appeals court panel granted them permission to access grand jury secrets from Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

The 2-1 ruling from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court decision in favor of the House’s ability to see the deleted passages in the public version of the Mueller report, the 448-page tome that describes the two-year investigation into potential links between Trump’s campaign and Russia. The report, released in April 2019, also examines President Donald Trump’s attempts to stymie the Russia probe.

If it stands, the ruling would give lawmakers access to all the report’s blacked-out words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and entire pages — nearly 1,000 portions in all — as well as underlying interviews and memos cited in Mueller’s review.

Anonymous said...

The headlines would write themselves if he went.
"Trump is summoned to Russia despite coronavirus devastation at home".
"Trump runs from his problems at home to be comforted by Putin".

Bob Huntley said...

Is that last post, the one just above this one an example of the discord Russia is trying to impose on Americans or is it the real thing? Just asking.

Anonymous said...

Acting director of national intelligence Richard Grenell has declined to appear before Congress on Tuesday to speak about foreign election threats, citing apprehension about his preparedness to address sensitive subjects that tend to upset the president, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The top intelligence community official asked President Trump to be excused from the briefings because he anticipated pointed questions from Democrats about politically volatile subjects — such as intelligence assessments that Russia is once more interfering in U.S. politics, two of the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe private discussions.

Maura Beard, a spokeswoman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), said in a statement that the agency never told Congress that Grenell would participate in the briefing. She said so despite a list circulated to lawmakers Monday showing that he was scheduled to appear.

Anonymous said...

Researchers say that the American healthcare system could make the outbreak much worse. In fact, “We don’t really have a system,” says Lynn Blewett, a professor of health policy and management at the University of Minnesota who studies access to care. The term “system” implies a unified plan, she says, and the patchwork of public and private care providers and millions of uninsured people that currently characterize American medicine isn’t that.

According to recent numbers, almost 28 million people under the age of 65 do not have public or private insurance in the United States—a number which has risen every year since 2016. That means “they don’t have any routine access to our healthcare delivery system, ” says Blewett. That’s a fundamental flaw, she says, because it means that in the case of an outbreak, even people who have symptoms are likely to avoid seeing a doctor until it gets severe in fear of being saddled with costs they can’t cover. And even if they do get to see a doctor, they probably don’t have a preexisting relationship that will allow them to get good care.

Even for those who have private insurance, likely through their employer, she says “...the costs of care are becoming unaffordable.” According to research she was involved with that looked at out-of-pocket costs across all 50 states in 2018, the median annual copay for those with insurance was $3,300.

Anonymous said...

Parrot was triggered.

But parrot was not triggered by Tlaib

So parrot is what I say it was or parrot is using an assumed name.

If you bought you a t-shirt like the one Tlaib wore, would you wear it?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, WNU, but GREAT move by the president. Why support a farce of a victory parade that stumbles on the graves of millions, touting lies, ignoring own massacres you did? The Nazis owed up. When will the Russians? Time to change your country, THEN we will all join in and drink at a "victory" parade.

Anonymous said...

one tee shirt versus the entire right wing of the GOP and orange baboon?
tell us, numbers man!

Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Tuesday that he was unaware of any indication from his agency that physical barriers along America’s borders would help halt the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S. — contradicting an assertion President Donald Trump made earlier in the day.

Appearing before House lawmakers to testify about the public health crisis and the White House’s budget request for his agency, Redfield was asked by Rep. Katherine Clark (D-Mass.) if the CDC’s recommendations for combating the coronavirus state addressed whether “structural barriers” at the borders “would be of any use in mitigating” the growing outbreak.

“Not that I’ve seen,” Redfield replied.

Anonymous said...

As Harvard Medical School’s Maia Majumder tweeted Saturday, the coronavirus crisis is inherently political because “an administration’s priorities can absolutely impact the trajectory of a pandemic.” It’s political because every government is — and should be — measured by its ability to protect its citizens to the best of its ability from the ancient threats of disease, violence and starvation.

For any national leader, this is the job: protecting the public, not flinging Twitter insults or goosing the stock market. To complain about politicization, as Trump and his supporters have done, is to say that the president should be above criticism from the people whose welfare he has sworn to protect. And by deflecting the criticism that’s being — rightly — directed at him for his bizarre and contradictory statements about the coronavirus outbreak, for his self-proclaimed faith in his own uninformed “hunch” about the severity of the crisis, and for his defensiveness about his administration’s flailing response, it is Trump and his supporters who are politicizing the coronavirus threat, and not the other way around.

Presidential leadership requires putting ego aside, seeking expert advice and absorbing bad news without attacking the messengers, to generate effective policy. In a public health crisis, it means making life-or-death decisions that approach the same level of urgency a president faces in wartime: allocation of scarce resources, calling for shared sacrifice and making tough calls that might result in saving some lives at the expense of others. It requires selflessness and a steady hand, neither of which Trump possesses.

Anonymous said...

It was against this backdrop that a reporter asked Trump late last week about whether he was prepared to "rethink having an Office of Pandemic Preparation in the White House." The president replied:

"I just think this is something, Peter, that you can never really think is going to happen. You know, who -- I've heard all about, 'This could be...' -- you know, 'This could be a big deal,' from before it happened. You know, this -- something like this could happen.... Who would have thought? Look, how long ago is it? Six, seven, eight weeks ago -- who would have thought we would even be having the subject? ... You never really know when something like this is going to strike and what it's going to be."

It's worth emphasizing that this is Trump's second explanation related to his decision to disband his global health security team. "I'm a business person," he explained two weeks ago in response to a similar question. "I don't like having thousands of people around when you don't need them. When we need them, we can get them back very quickly."

As it turns out, the administration cannot actually reassemble such a team "very quickly," though Trump, still unfamiliar with how much of the executive branch works, may not have known that.

It set the stage for this new argument: Trump dissolved the White House's pandemic team because he had no idea he might need a pandemic team.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:17 PM

Stalin, the politburo, apparatchiks, and others murdered 30 million of their fellow country men. Before the NAZI invasion.

20 million died during the war.

Last I checked 30 > 20, but I might change my mind, if I went back to school at an American University.

The Communists and Stalin have no reason to celebrate, but the country itself does. It was not all Penal Battalions with Machine Gun Battalions coming up behind them. There were not enough Penal Battalions to change the course of War. The citizens did.

But indeed there are many sordid elements in that victory even at the last. Like in how Stalin prolonged the war to pit two Russian generals against each other.

Anonymous said...

It is the dream of liberal Jew to be buried in a Kafeyah. They hate themselves that much.

Anonymous said...

“Trump! Trump! Trump!…”Detroit Auto Workers Cheer President Trump During Joe Biden’s Plant Visit (VIDEO)

The Dumbocrats lost the union vote.

They lost Michigan.

They lost.

That was the plan. Barack Obama and his acolytes purposefully lost the White working class vote. They figured they did not need it.

Anonymous said...

President Trump’s meeting with Senate Republicans on Tuesday ended without any concrete plan for crafting an economic package that might address the turmoil caused by the coronavirus epidemic, sparking fears that policy makers are far apart on how to deal with growing concerns that the U.S. could enter a recession.

At the meeting, Trump discussed his proposal to extend a temporary payroll tax cut for a period of months. Some lawmakers also discussed the idea of targeted infrastructure spending. Both ideas could be used to try and flood the economy with more cash, but there was not a consensus over how to proceed. And House Democrats are busily assembling their own package.

“I don’t think any decision whatsoever has been made," said Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.).

Anonymous said...


They're worried about the human and economic costs of the virus itself. And part of the market’s analysis is its confidence, or lack thereof, in the government's ability to manage the crisis—to step in forcefully, stay ahead of the crisis, and guide us back out. When it comes to government response, investors are looking for signs that Washington understands the threat and is taking rapid and competent steps to fight it.

Instead of demonstrating how much we've learned from previous outbreaks like SARS and Ebola, however, the coronavirus crisis has exposed how underprepared we and many nations across the world are for even a mild pandemic. Here at home we’ve seen a stuttering, unprepared government trying to mask the problem with empty confidence. It’s been a terrible look for our leaders, and as far as the markets are concerned, a costly one.

Anonymous said...

8,554 Americans have been tested for coronavirus but CDC director says there isn't enough staff to keep up as Trump scraps insurance co-pays and the death toll climbs to 28

The CDC's website says 3,698 CDC tests have been one and 4,856 public health labs tests have been done
It is unclear how many of those have been come back negative or if all have a result yet
In the US, as of Tuesday afternoon, there are 795 confirmed cases of the disease
The death toll has reached 28 and there are fears it will continue to grow
Trump said on Friday that any American would be able to get a test if they want one
The White House has said only four million will be available by the end of this week
One million have been sent out but only 75,000 are available in state labs right now

Anonymous said...

Military Surgeon: ‘Trump Is Right’ on the Seasonal Flu Being More Dangerous than Coronavirus

Military Surgeon: ‘Trump Is Right’ on the Seasonal Flu Being More Dangerous than Coronavirus

It is going to taker 3 to 6 months of hard fighting in the press, but in the end the scaremongers of the Democrat Party will go down in flames in the public opinion.

The progressive collateral damage will be the Climate Change Hustle.

Wow, A whole 28 people. Yes, it is sad, but the only reason libs care is because they have an agenda and they intend to use this to gain power.

28 people who were already deathly ill and lost maybe 3 to 6 months (.25 to .5 life-years). Ari Emanuel is not exercised about this and you should not be either. The only ones who are a=our the Rahm Emanuel types you use ant crisis, misfortune or a few deaths to climb
on the backs of the dead to obtain power.

28 dead. leftwinger is using Dogbert logic. Do other readers expect anything else of a liberal wingnut? It is not like the wing nut will use death per 100,000 or wait until the state stops jumping around. On occasion a lib might use percentiles, but very sparingly. Cuz math is hard.

Anonymous said...

Watch: Bernie Sanders Vows Not to Close U.S. Borders to Stop Coronavirus

Meanwhile arch-liberal voters will vote for anything with a (D) behind then name.

- Even if it is Bernie

- Even if they are deathly scared of corona virus

Remember fellow Dummercrats Voting for the (D) is more important than life itself.

Anonymous said...

Watch: Bernie Sanders Vows Not to Close U.S. Borders to Stop Coronavirus

Watch: Bernie Sanders Vows Not to Close U.S. Borders to Stop Coronavirus

Watch: Bernie Sanders Vows Not to Close U.S. Borders to Stop Coronavirus

Anonymous said...

This was the day Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) has been warning about — and essentially predicted. Back in 2017, when the Trump administration first proposed steep cuts to programs that handle disease outbreaks, Cole said, “I promise you the president is much more likely in his term to have a deal with a pandemic than an act of terrorism. I hope he doesn’t have to deal with either one, but you have to be ready to deal with both.”

Now that the potential pandemic has come, Cole is re-upping his long-standing criticisms of the Trump administration’s posture toward preparedness. And on Tuesday, he offered a little bit of an “I told you so,” even suggesting that the situation might not be as bad if the administration had listened to him.

Anonymous said...

Call names, trumbpians. fact: your leadere was no real leadeer and the gop is turning against him while you continue to lick his spittle

Anonymous said...

What America can learn from Taiwan’s coronavirus response

Anonymous said...

Parrot is up late 'tonite' or someone parroting him.

Poor dude, working overtime.

Crotch shot posting will suffer.

Bob Huntley said...

Anon 8:14

You do realize that you are a scaremonger of the Democrat Party.