Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pakistan Doctor Who Helped The U.S. In Tracking And Finding Osama Bin Laden Has Gone On A Hunger Strike Behind Barts After 'Losing Hope For Justice'

Shakil Afridi

FOX News: 'Hero' doctor Shakil Afridi who helped find bin Laden launches hunger strike behind bars after 'losing hope for justice,' lawyer says

The Pakistani doctor who aided U.S. intelligence agencies in identifying the whereabouts of September 11 mastermind Usama bin Laden, has launched a hunger strike after languishing for almost nine years behind bars, his lawyer confirmed to Fox News on Wednesday.

“His family, including his brother, visited [Dr. Shakil Afridi] a few days back and told me about his deteriorated health. He has been refusing to take a meal after losing hope to get justice,” Afridi’s attorney and cousin Qamar Nadeem said. “I want the world to know that in his case, justice has been denied.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have mentioned this more than once on this blog. But for everyday that Pakistan keeps this hero in jail, it is confirmation to me that Pakistan is not a serious partner in the war against terror groups like Al Qaeda.


Anonymous said...

"For everyday that Pakistan keeps this hero in jail, it is confirmation to me that Pakistan is not a serious partner in the war against terror groups like Al Qaeda."

For everyday that Pakistan keeps this hero in jail, it is confirmation to me that Pakistan is not a serious partner in the war against terror groups like AL QAEDA or or TALIBAN.

It is why the Afghan war is unwinnable. All enemies are not being attacked.

Short of all out War we could stop all student or business visas. I would rather sit next to or across from someone named Arun or Ramesh than Mohammed.

All are equally dark. It is not about that. The Indians might considered more foreign since most of them do not follow an Abrahamic religion. So it is not about xenophobia.

Is is about not hearing Allah Akbar and then hearing an explosion, seeing someone shot, or seeing someone beheaded.

Bob Huntley said...

In Afghanistan people believe that when a women gives birth the first load of milk must be discarded. I understand the milk itself is not a pleasant looking concoction because it contains a combination of anti-bodies through which the mother passes on established immunities to infection and disease for the newborn.

It is important to education people on issues of health especially where ignorance persists. UN Health teams went through parts of Afghanistan educating pregnant women on the loss of those protections if that first flush of milk is discarded. In such cases trust is all important.

It was reported that this Dr. assisted in the search for Bin Laden and successfully so by impersonating a health team, providing people with inoculations, that were in fact phony not real. He assisted apparently not in locating Bin Laden but in confirming his presence.

Imagine if people, especially children, had contacted the disease he supposedly inoculated them for had actually caught the disease and died from it, how negative similar activities or inoculation would be viewed. How lives would be put at risk.

A read of the following suggests that he is not a hero but in fact a murderer.

Anonymous said...

Wiki Entry:
On 30 May 2012, Afridi was sentenced to 33 years in prison for aiding banned militant group Lashkar-e-Islam and not for his links to the CIA, as officials had said earlier, according to a court document

"Afridi was accused of having taken a half-dozen World Health Organization cooler boxes without authorisation. "

Bob Shit:

Imagine if people, especially children, had contacted the disease he supposedly inoculated them for had actually caught the disease and died from it, how negative similar activities or inoculation would be viewed. How lives would be put at risk.

Fun Fact:

"Possible forms of transmission include sexual contact,[27] blood transfusions and transfusion with other human blood products,[28] re-use of contaminated needles and syringes,[29] and vertical transmission from mother to child (MTCT) during childbirth."

How do you suppose Muslims get Hepatitis B, if they are not getting blood transfusions?

Perhaps visiting the whore house?

- How many Pakistanis are getting blood transfusions?

- How many are getting blood transfusions where the blood is not tested for Hepatitis B?

A read of the the person, who posts under the name Bob Huntley, suggests that he is a troll and possibly does not live in North America.

Is suggests that Bob Huntley is not a hero but a zero.

Maybe the FBI should be concerned with more than Facebook posts.

Bob Huntley said...

Anonymous said...

Can an American here please start a petition to get Trump to increase pressure on Pakistan. If we don't help this guy then what good are we???

He risks his life for us! He has paid with much of his life behind bars. They don't treat him well! Get this man out, I beg you

Anonymous said...

Bob you are more demented and not with it than Biden. Maybe you should be the Democrat nominee for US president.

So there is a dire need for blood in Pakistan (or just about everywhere)?

Just as an aside maybe there would not be such a need for blood is Sunnis would stop kindly rolling grenades into Shia mosques or shooting school girls who want to be literate?
You suppose or is that a bridge to far for you?

So they get blood donations. Now you are saying they are not going to test it for hepatitis B?

Are you daft or just trolling again like a fuck, a really, really dumb fuck?

If there are a large number of cases of Hep B in a population, they should be testing for HIV in the blood too or are they skipping that due to costs?

"Occult hepatitis B virus infection in Moroccan HIV infected patients"

The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence of Occult hepatitis B virus Infection (OBI) among antiretroviral treatment naïve HIV-1 infected individuals in Morocco and to determine factors favouring its occurrence.

Bob you are that rare breed of idiot, who lowers other people's IQ just by talking to (or communicating with) them.

Bob Huntley said...

Question asked and answered.

Anonymous said...

You didn't ask anything. You did not read the wiki link you posted either.

You know what that makes you.

Bob Huntley said...


You are right. I did not ask anything. But, you did as in

"How many Pakistanis are getting blood transfusions?"

Your run-on babble suggested that you believed that Pakistanis don't get blood transfusions because of their religious beliefs. I gave you a link.

One thing you might keep in mind. If the Republican President GWB was justified in invading Afghanistan in a failed attempt to get Bin Laden. thus incurring Americans in a costly war without end, how lucky was it that there was a Democratic President, Obama, who managed to actually get Bin Laden while not incurring such a costly (money and lives) criminal war?

there now, I have asked you a question.

Anonymous said...

Except for Jehovah's witnesses I do not know of too many people that do not accept blood transfusions.

I also don' know of any countries that don't test donated blood. But for some reason you were making a big deal out of that what if, which has nearly a zero change or less of happening.

But since we are on the subject, what is Hyena Bin Laden doing trying to get free vaccinations from an aid group for his kids, while he or his allies kill aid workers elsewhere? Pretty rich.

"Taliban Target Aid Groups, in an Ominous Turn in Afghanistan" - NYT

You have a lot to answer for Bob.

Anonymous said...

"Mar 3, 2015 - Pakistani health workers—many of them women—continue to face ... During the past two years, Taliban militants have killed 63 health workers ..."

Apologize Bob.