Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pentagon Linguist Charged With Espionage For Exposing U.S. Spies To Hezbollah

A supporter of Lebanon's Hezbollah gestures as he holds a Hezbollah flag in Marjayoun. Reuters

CNBC: Defense Department linguist in Iraq charged with espionage, shared secret names with romantic interest, prosecutors say

* A Defense Department linguist has been charged with espionage after allegedly sharing classified information about active human intelligence assets with a person connected to the terrorist group Hezbollah.
* Mariam Taha Thompson, 61, was arrested last Thursday at a U.S. Special Operations Task Force facility in Erbil, Iraq, where she worked as a contract linguist, and held Top Secret security clearances.
* Thompson shared the true names of intelligence sources with a co-conspirator, “in whom she had a romantic interest,” court records say.

A Defense Department linguist has been charged with espionage after allegedly sharing classified information about active human intelligence assets with a person connected to the terrorist group Hezbollah, authorities said Wednesday.

Mariam Taha Thompson, 61, was arrested last Thursday at a U.S. Special Operations Task Force facility in Erbil, Iraq, where she worked as a contract linguist, and held Top Secret security clearances, according to court records.

Authorities said Thompson shared the true names of intelligence sources with a co-conspirator, a Lebanese national in whom she had a romantic interest.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: My gut tells me that they only found out about her because people started to disappear.

More News On A Pentagon Linguist Charged With Espionage For Exposing U.S. Spies To Hezbollah

U.S. Defense linguist charged with transmitting classified intelligence -- Reuters
US defense contractor charged with transmitting classified information to a foreign national with ties to Hezbollah -- CNN
US defence department linguist charged with espionage -- BBC
Pentagon linguist exposed U.S. sources in Iraq, feds say -- CBS
Pentagon linguist faces espionage charges after allegedly sharing secrets with Hezbollah -- ABC News
DOD linguist charged with giving classified info to Lebanese national with ties to Hezbollah: DOJ -- FOX News
Pentagon Linguist Charged with Exposing U.S. Spies to Hezbollah -- National Review


Anonymous said...

Mariam Taha Thompson met her American husband in Saudi Arabia about 1986. It is unknown to many of us if she was a Saudi citizen or just working there. When will the Dinosaur Democrat
Press tell us?

Her husband apparently passed in 2002. He was from the Rochester area. It is unknown if they had any children together. When will the Dinosaur Democrat Press tell us?

Mariam Taha collected farm subsidies. About $260 in one year from what I saw.

So white guy is not xenophobic and marries a Middle Easterner. Point is she was treated well enough in America, so why screw it?

Was is out of love/loneliness or anti-Americanism?

Will the Dinosaur Democrat Press tell us?

If they really love you, they don't ask you to rob banks, give up names or similar things.

How old was her love interest. If he is much younger, she's got to have known that she was being used.

Anonymous said...

Subtotal, Farming Subsidies in Olmsted County, Minnesota, 1995-2019‡

2137 Mariam Thompson Rochester, MN 55901 $260

Anonymous said...

" - Mariam Taha Thompson, 61, was arrested on Feb. 27 in Erbil, Iraq, where she had worked as a contract linguist since mid-December 2019."

Former Rochester woman charged with espionage in Iraq

Seems like fast work ... mid December, but then

'Thompson’s LinkedIn page includes a “Letter of Endorsement” from former U.S. Gen. David Petraeus that described her as “a superb example of integrity, loyalty, and professionalism.” He worked with her for more than three years in Iraq.

Her LinkedIn page says she was awarded the “Global War on Terrorism Civilian Service Medal” as well as the “Hero of the Month” award “on several occasions in both Iraq and Afghanistan.”'


before his work took him to Saudi Arabia. On Feb. 12, 1986, he married Miriam Taha in Saudi Arabia and they lived there until moving to Rochester in 1993.

Was she a Saudi Citizen?
Was she born in Saudi Arabia?
Was she born in Lebanon and worked in Saudi Arabia?
Is she Muslim Sunni, Muslim Shia, Christian, or Druze?
Did they have any children or are Mr. Thompson's children from a previous marriage?
If those 4 kids are her kids, the why did she doe it? Just attracted? How old was the guy she was attracted to? WTF?

He husband met her when he was 37 and she was 31. Not too big of an age gap. Not unusual.

Seeing how long she worked, she was not hard up for money.

Anonymous said...

she must be a Dem, right?
she served in recent years under Trump...'put blame on that and not elsewhere

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:47

I did not implicitly or explicitly state she was a Democrat. I did not imply it. I did not 'ask' that the reader's of my post go there.

I did not play with the Petreaus angle. Although I did wonder. So I will ask now. If there are photographs of her from 2003 to 2008, who know?

I did explicitly "Accuse and Denounce" the usual suspects. Those would be ABC, NBC, CBS, WaPo, NYT, CNN, MSLSD et al.

It was only in the smaller and I mean small newspapers that any biographical information was given. Did she solely give up people's lives because she, a 61 year old woman, had a crush on someone? Mid December to FEB 27 and there was already a pile of bodies. 3 months or less.

Are we just being fed a story, so the government does not tell us how bad it was? Maybe it was just not this guy. Maybe there were other guys going back 15 years. Maybe there are more bodies? How did she meet her romantic interest? Did the consumate anything or was it just enough to look at his pretty face to hand over then names of people.

We cannot judge.

Anonymous said...

does anon include Fox and murdoch media papers as dinosaur press..and where does he get his news from? oh, Facelift
much speculation and still nothing since nothing yet known

Anonymous said...

Fox News has been getting worse. I suppose it was inevitable. An organism that has been around long enough attracts parasite/liberals.

Do you consider Shep Smith right wing?

Do you consider WSJ right wing?

New York Post?

NYT & Washington Post are read by more people nationwide, because of brainwashing and inertia than read the NEW York Post.


"The newspaper is known for its award-winning news coverage, and has won 37 Pulitzer Prizes (as of 2019). The editorial pages of the Journal are typically conservative in their position."

Having conservative editorials does not make the news portion of a paper right wing. They make a point of having liberal posts or editorials often.

If you must know ... really you do not need to know because the Libstream media did not spoon feed, the WSJ has been open borders. So what does that make it? You did not know that, did you?

Some people have called the New York Post rightwing. Probably the same knuckleheads that would never call the NYT leftwing. Probably the same knuckledraggers that cry about Breitbart, but when asked about a dozen different stories from Breitbart, they cannot say what is rightwing or biased about them.

They will not engage. I guess they do not want their ass handed to them. They value that ass.

Anonymous said...

stop badmouthing this and that paper and tell us what you read and what you believe is objective! our stupid name calling is out of step with professionals in the field...and, not trust any media? then get info on your own, as I did here

here is the story in full

Defense Department linguist charged with leaking classified information to terrorist organization

Anonymous said...

"much speculation and still nothing since nothing yet known"

Meaning after a few weeks the story will disappear without many questions being answered This is just as the newspapers and TPTB intend.

Anon, do you follow a story to its conclusion or do you merely read, skim or glance at whatever they put out there on a daily basis like a sponge? You are permeated with what they pour out. If they change what they pour, you are permeated by something else, but it is not due to your motive force, your volition.

Sometimes you have to wait for a book.

The Unsolved Murder of Missouri Town Bully Ken Rex McElroy: 'No One Saw a Thing'

In Broad Daylight (book)

It was a good book.

On a tangent, it is cases like this that there are a few vigilantes and people enjoy vigilante movies. Something the Left just cannot handle.

Problem is waiting for a book (old school anyway) is that more stories will disappear and be buried than be explained. Look into your heart. You know this to be true.

Anonymous said...

Olmsted County marriage dissolutions finalized in December 2005.

Mariam Taha Thompson and Mohamad Issa Wehbe

Lets face it. The MSM, Mainstream Media, Lame Stream Media, Complicit Media., Libstream Media, Marx Stream Media is SHIT!

Anonymous said...

"Professionals in the field"? You are a liar.

Anonymous said...

"our stupid name calling is out of step with professionals in the field...and, not trust any media? then get info on your own, as I did here

here is the story in full(?)

"Defense Department linguist charged with leaking classified information to terrorist organization" - Military Times

I am going to take the liberty of assuming that I am replying to philoctetes, the parrot.
(or one of the many sock puppets)

Okay that was mean. That came at you sideways. Not that a few weeks ago that you did not cut and run, when your illogical arguments were rebutted.

Anyway Military Times was owned by Gannet, but is now owned by Sightline Media Group. Not sure what that means.

Military times was founded in 1940. Is the Stars & Stripes more sacrosanct?

Now on to other points. Does 20 or so paragraphs or about 2 pages cover the entire story?

I don't think so. Maybe you should see what J.E. Dyer has to see about the subject. She retired from the intel communist after a long career. She picked up no dead goats though
The Military Times has the full story? So why do we need 'The Stars and Stripes' other than for nostalgia. How much duplication of effort can a nation with 20+ trillion dollars of debt afford.

Anonymous said...

meant "...retired from the intel community ..."