Friday, March 6, 2020

President Trump Admits That The Taliban Could 'Possibly' Seize Power After US Troops Leave

Al Jazeera: Trump: Taliban could 'possibly' seize power after US troops leave

Under a US-Taliban deal signed last week, all foreign troops would withdraw from Afghanistan within 14 months.

US President Donald Trump has said the Taliban could "possibly" overrun the United States-backed Afghan government after foreign troops withdraw from the country as part of a deal signed last week.

"Countries have to take care of themselves," Trump told reporters at the White House on Friday. "You can only hold someone's hand for so long."

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WNU Editor: I am sure the Taliban believe they can take over the country once the US leaves. But I have doubts that they will succeed anytime soon. There are many people in Afghanistan who hate the Taliban, and they will resist.


K said...

They may hate the Taliban but I don't think they'll have the same determination as the Taliban to get power over Afghanistan.

Bob Huntley said...

Was there ever any real question?

G said...

Go to hell

RussInSoCal said...

Yep. That was a given. Short of outright genocide.

Anonymous said...

President Trump did not start this war.

This Deal has imho one great ramification.
He is making sure that our military will no longer suffer from "green on blue" attacks.
President Trump is getting our Military out!

If my memory is still intact. Our last President celebrated an exchange of 1 American deserter for 5 enemy combatants.

We should have a huge parade when the last American comes home.

Its a deal, this American supports.


Anonymous said...

The White House has placed another college senior in an influential administration position, according to four people familiar with the matter.

Anthony Labruna, who starts on Monday, is not slated to graduate from Iowa State University until early May. In the meantime, he’ll be deputy White House liaison at the Department of Commerce, according to an administration official.

The move follows the White House’s recent hiring of a college senior at George Washington University to be one of the top officials in its powerful Presidential Personnel Office.

One person familiar with the matter said that Labruna was foisted on Commerce at the urging of 29-year-old PPO director John McEntee, who has been charged by the president with keeping his administration stocked with loyal officials. Some at the department are “pretty concerned” at Labruna’s hiring because he’s so young and inexperienced, this person said. “They’re none too happy to have him.”

The role is a sensitive one: The job of a White House liaison entails matching qualified people with political vacancies at the department, headed up by Secretary Wilbur Ross, and moving appointees in and out of those positions as needed.

“It’s not a job that you take a kid who doesn’t know anything about the government,” one of the people familiar with the hiring said.

Anonymous said...

Trump did not start this war
Lee did not start the Civil War but he ended it and brought the troops back home

Bob Huntley said...

In that Trump has been marginally acceptable, in all else, an absolute failure.